HA/DR operations
Oracle Data Guard
You can use manual failover or switchover to the standby database using steps
described in the Switchover and Failover Operations

Perform a DNS change
In case of manual failover, you may install SAP application servers using a virtual hostname and perform a DNS change to direct the SAP application servers to the new primary database server. For a DNS resolution in AWS, you can use any of the following options.
Amazon Route 53 enables you to create a private hosted zone for your environment and an A record for the virtual hostname used for Oracle database. Initially, this A record is mapped to the IP address of the primary Oracle database instance.
You can maintain your own DNS server on-premise or on your Amazon EC2 instances. You can create an A record there for your virtual hostname used for Oracle database. Initially, this A record is mapped to the IP address of the primary Oracle database instance.
With the AWS Directory Service
, you can create an A record for the virtual hostname used for Oracle database.
With any of the previously mentioned options, you can change the A record to a private IP address of the primary database instance in case of a failover. This DNS change can also be automated using AWS services and scripts.