Amazon SQS Examples - AWS SDK for JavaScript

We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for JavaScript v2. We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

Amazon SQS Examples

Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, fully managed message queuing service. Amazon SQS lets you decouple the components of a cloud application. Amazon SQS includes standard queues with high throughput and at-least-once processing, and FIFO queues that provide FIFO (first-in, first-out) delivery and exactly-once processing.

Relationship between JavaScript environments, the SDK, and Amazon SQS

The JavaScript API for Amazon SQS is exposed through the AWS.SQS client class. For more information about using the Amazon SQS client class, see Class: AWS.SQS in the API reference.