Code your Kotlin project using the SDK for Kotlin - AWS SDK for Kotlin

Code your Kotlin project using the SDK for Kotlin

Now the fun begins. As you develop your application, you can refer to the AWS SDK for Kotlin API Reference for complete information on the API operations. Use the following links for general Kotlin API information:

Log in using the AWS CLI

Whenever you run a program that accesses AWS services, you need an active AWS access portal session. You do this by running the following command.

aws sso login

Since you have a default profile setup, you do not need to call the command with a --profile option. If your IAM Identity Center single sign-on configuration uses a named profile, the command is aws sso login --profile named-profile.

To test if you already have an active session, run the following AWS CLI command.

aws sts get-caller-identity

The response to this command should report the IAM Identity Center account and permission set configured in the shared config file.