Using FIFO with the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET - AWS SDK for .NET

Using FIFO with the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET

This is prerelease documentation for a feature in preview release. It is subject to change.

For use cases where message ordering and message deduplication are critical, the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET supports first-in-first-out (FIFO) Amazon SQS queues and Amazon SNS topics.


When publishing messages to a FIFO queue or topic, you must set the message group ID, which specifies the group that the message belongs to. Messages within a group are processed in order. You can set this on the SQS-specific and SNS-specific message publishers.

await _sqsPublisher.PublishAsync(message, new SQSOptions { MessageDeduplicationId = <message-deduplication-id>, MessageGroupId = <message-group-id> });


When handling messages from a FIFO queue, the framework handles messages within a given message group in the order in which they were received for each ReceiveMessages call. The framework enters this mode of operation automatically when configured with a queue ending in .fifo.

await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureServices(services => { // Register the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET. services.AddAWSMessageBus(builder => { // Because this is a FIFO queue, the framework automatically handles these messages in order. builder.AddSQSPoller(""); builder.AddMessageHandler<OrderMessageHandler, OrderMessage>(); }); }) .Build() .RunAsync();