Auto Scaling examples using SDK for PHP
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS SDK for PHP with Auto Scaling.
Basics are code examples that show you how to perform the essential operations within a service.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
Get started
The following code examples show how to get started using Auto Scaling.
- SDK for PHP
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. public function helloService() { $autoScalingClient = new AutoScalingClient([ 'region' => 'us-west-2', 'version' => 'latest', 'profile' => 'default', ]); $groups = $autoScalingClient->describeAutoScalingGroups([]); var_dump($groups); }
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingGroups in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to:
Create an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group with a launch template and Availability Zones, and get information about running instances.
Enable Amazon CloudWatch metrics collection.
Update the group's desired capacity and wait for an instance to start.
Terminate an instance in the group.
List scaling activities that occur in response to user requests and capacity changes.
Get statistics for CloudWatch metrics, then clean up resources.
- SDK for PHP
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. namespace AutoScaling; use Aws\AutoScaling\AutoScalingClient; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client; use AwsUtilities\AWSServiceClass; use AwsUtilities\RunnableExample; class GettingStartedWithAutoScaling implements RunnableExample { protected Ec2Client $ec2Client; protected AutoScalingClient $autoScalingClient; protected AutoScalingService $autoScalingService; protected CloudWatchClient $cloudWatchClient; protected string $templateName; protected string $autoScalingGroupName; protected array $role; public function runExample() { echo("\n"); echo("--------------------------------------\n"); print("Welcome to the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling getting started demo using PHP!\n"); echo("--------------------------------------\n"); $clientArgs = [ 'region' => 'us-west-2', 'version' => 'latest', 'profile' => 'default', ]; $uniqid = uniqid(); $this->autoScalingClient = new AutoScalingClient($clientArgs); $this->autoScalingService = new AutoScalingService($this->autoScalingClient); $this->cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient($clientArgs); AWSServiceClass::$waitTime = 5; AWSServiceClass::$maxWaitAttempts = 20; /** * Step 0: Create an EC2 launch template that you'll use to create an Auto Scaling group. */ $this->ec2Client = new EC2Client($clientArgs); $this->templateName = "example_launch_template_$uniqid"; $instanceType = "t1.micro"; $amiId = "ami-0ca285d4c2cda3300"; $launchTemplate = $this->ec2Client->createLaunchTemplate( [ 'LaunchTemplateName' => $this->templateName, 'LaunchTemplateData' => [ 'InstanceType' => $instanceType, 'ImageId' => $amiId, ] ] ); /** * Step 1: CreateAutoScalingGroup: pass it the launch template you created in step 0. */ $availabilityZones[] = $this->ec2Client->describeAvailabilityZones([])['AvailabilityZones'][1]['ZoneName']; $this->autoScalingGroupName = "demoAutoScalingGroupName_$uniqid"; $minSize = 1; $maxSize = 1; $launchTemplateId = $launchTemplate['LaunchTemplate']['LaunchTemplateId']; $this->autoScalingService->createAutoScalingGroup( $this->autoScalingGroupName, $availabilityZones, $minSize, $maxSize, $launchTemplateId ); $this->autoScalingService->waitUntilGroupInService([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); $autoScalingGroup = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingGroups([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); /** * Step 2: DescribeAutoScalingInstances: show that one instance has launched. */ $instanceIds = [$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroups'][0]['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']]; $instances = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingInstances($instanceIds); echo "The Auto Scaling group {$this->autoScalingGroupName} was created successfully.\n"; echo count($instances['AutoScalingInstances']) . " instances were created for the group.\n"; echo $autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroups'][0]['MaxSize'] . " is the max number of instances for the group.\n"; /** * Step 3: EnableMetricsCollection: enable all metrics or a subset. */ $this->autoScalingService->enableMetricsCollection($this->autoScalingGroupName, "1Minute"); /** * Step 4: UpdateAutoScalingGroup: update max size to 3. */ echo "Updating the max number of instances to 3.\n"; $this->autoScalingService->updateAutoScalingGroup($this->autoScalingGroupName, ['MaxSize' => 3]); /** * Step 5: DescribeAutoScalingGroups: show the current state of the group. */ $autoScalingGroup = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingGroups([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); echo $autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroups'][0]['MaxSize']; echo " is the updated max number of instances for the group.\n"; $limits = $this->autoScalingService->describeAccountLimits(); echo "Here are your account limits:\n"; echo "MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups: {$limits['MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups']}\n"; echo "MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations: {$limits['MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations']}\n"; echo "NumberOfAutoScalingGroups: {$limits['NumberOfAutoScalingGroups']}\n"; echo "NumberOfLaunchConfigurations: {$limits['NumberOfLaunchConfigurations']}\n"; /** * Step 6: SetDesiredCapacity: set desired capacity to 2. */ $this->autoScalingService->setDesiredCapacity($this->autoScalingGroupName, 2); sleep(10); // Wait for the group to start processing the request. $this->autoScalingService->waitUntilGroupInService([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); /** * Step 7: DescribeAutoScalingInstances: show that two instances are launched. */ $autoScalingGroups = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingGroups([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); foreach ($autoScalingGroups['AutoScalingGroups'] as $autoScalingGroup) { echo "There is a group named: {$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName']}"; echo "with an ARN of {$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupARN']}.\n"; foreach ($autoScalingGroup['Instances'] as $instance) { echo "{$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName']} has an instance with id of: "; echo "{$instance['InstanceId']} and a lifecycle state of: {$instance['LifecycleState']}.\n"; } } /** * Step 8: TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup: terminate one of the instances in the group. */ $this->autoScalingService->terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup($instance['InstanceId'], false); do { sleep(10); $instances = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingInstances([$instance['InstanceId']]); } while (count($instances['AutoScalingInstances']) > 0); do { sleep(10); $autoScalingGroups = $this->autoScalingService->describeAutoScalingGroups([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); $instances = $autoScalingGroups['AutoScalingGroups'][0]['Instances']; } while (count($instances) < 2); $this->autoScalingService->waitUntilGroupInService([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); foreach ($autoScalingGroups['AutoScalingGroups'] as $autoScalingGroup) { echo "There is a group named: {$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName']}"; echo "with an ARN of {$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupARN']}.\n"; foreach ($autoScalingGroup['Instances'] as $instance) { echo "{$autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName']} has an instance with id of: "; echo "{$instance['InstanceId']} and a lifecycle state of: {$instance['LifecycleState']}.\n"; } } /** * Step 9: DescribeScalingActivities: list the scaling activities that have occurred for the group so far. */ $activities = $this->autoScalingService->describeScalingActivities($autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName']); echo "We found " . count($activities['Activities']) . " activities.\n"; foreach ($activities['Activities'] as $activity) { echo "{$activity['ActivityId']} - {$activity['StartTime']} - {$activity['Description']}\n"; } /** * Step 10: Use the Amazon CloudWatch API to get and show some metrics collected for the group. */ $metricsNamespace = 'AWS/AutoScaling'; $metricsDimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'AutoScalingGroupName', 'Value' => $autoScalingGroup['AutoScalingGroupName'], ], ]; $metrics = $this->cloudWatchClient->listMetrics( [ 'Dimensions' => $metricsDimensions, 'Namespace' => $metricsNamespace, ] ); foreach ($metrics['Metrics'] as $metric) { $timespan = 5; if ($metric['MetricName'] != 'GroupTotalCapacity' && $metric['MetricName'] != 'GroupMaxSize') { continue; } echo "Over the last $timespan minutes, {$metric['MetricName']} recorded:\n"; $stats = $this->cloudWatchClient->getMetricStatistics( [ 'Dimensions' => $metricsDimensions, 'EndTime' => time(), 'StartTime' => time() - (5 * 60), 'MetricName' => $metric['MetricName'], 'Namespace' => $metricsNamespace, 'Period' => 60, 'Statistics' => ['Sum'], ] ); foreach ($stats['Datapoints'] as $stat) { echo "{$stat['Timestamp']}: {$stat['Sum']}\n"; } } return $instances; } public function cleanUp() { /** * Step 11: DisableMetricsCollection: disable all metrics. */ $this->autoScalingService->disableMetricsCollection($this->autoScalingGroupName); /** * Step 12: DeleteAutoScalingGroup: to delete the group you must stop all instances. * - UpdateAutoScalingGroup with MinSize=0 * - TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup for each instance, * specify ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity=True. Wait for instances to stop. * - Now you can delete the group. */ $this->autoScalingService->updateAutoScalingGroup($this->autoScalingGroupName, ['MinSize' => 0]); $this->autoScalingService->terminateAllInstancesInAutoScalingGroup($this->autoScalingGroupName); $this->autoScalingService->waitUntilGroupInService([$this->autoScalingGroupName]); $this->autoScalingService->deleteAutoScalingGroup($this->autoScalingGroupName); /** * Step 13: Delete launch template. */ $this->ec2Client->deleteLaunchTemplate( [ 'LaunchTemplateName' => $this->templateName, ] ); } public function helloService() { $autoScalingClient = new AutoScalingClient([ 'region' => 'us-west-2', 'version' => 'latest', 'profile' => 'default', ]); $groups = $autoScalingClient->describeAutoScalingGroups([]); var_dump($groups); } }
For API details, see the following topics in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use CreateAutoScalingGroup
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. public function createAutoScalingGroup( $autoScalingGroupName, $availabilityZones, $minSize, $maxSize, $launchTemplateId ) { return $this->autoScalingClient->createAutoScalingGroup([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, 'AvailabilityZones' => $availabilityZones, 'MinSize' => $minSize, 'MaxSize' => $maxSize, 'LaunchTemplate' => [ 'LaunchTemplateId' => $launchTemplateId, ], ]); }
For API details, see CreateAutoScalingGroup in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DeleteAutoScalingGroup
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. public function deleteAutoScalingGroup($autoScalingGroupName) { return $this->autoScalingClient->deleteAutoScalingGroup([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, 'ForceDelete' => true, ]); }
For API details, see DeleteAutoScalingGroup in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DescribeAutoScalingGroups
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. public function describeAutoScalingGroups($autoScalingGroupNames) { return $this->autoScalingClient->describeAutoScalingGroups([ 'AutoScalingGroupNames' => $autoScalingGroupNames ]); }
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingGroups in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DescribeAutoScalingInstances
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. public function describeAutoScalingInstances($instanceIds) { return $this->autoScalingClient->describeAutoScalingInstances([ 'InstanceIds' => $instanceIds ]); }
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingInstances in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DescribeScalingActivities
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. public function describeScalingActivities($autoScalingGroupName) { return $this->autoScalingClient->describeScalingActivities([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, ]); }
For API details, see DescribeScalingActivities in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use DisableMetricsCollection
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. public function disableMetricsCollection($autoScalingGroupName) { return $this->autoScalingClient->disableMetricsCollection([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, ]); }
For API details, see DisableMetricsCollection in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use EnableMetricsCollection
- SDK for PHP
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. public function enableMetricsCollection($autoScalingGroupName, $granularity) { return $this->autoScalingClient->enableMetricsCollection([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, 'Granularity' => $granularity, ]); }
For API details, see EnableMetricsCollection in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use SetDesiredCapacity
- SDK for PHP
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. public function setDesiredCapacity($autoScalingGroupName, $desiredCapacity) { return $this->autoScalingClient->setDesiredCapacity([ 'AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName, 'DesiredCapacity' => $desiredCapacity, ]); }
For API details, see SetDesiredCapacity in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- SDK for PHP
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository
. public function terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup( $instanceId, $shouldDecrementDesiredCapacity = true, $attempts = 0 ) { try { return $this->autoScalingClient->terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup([ 'InstanceId' => $instanceId, 'ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity' => $shouldDecrementDesiredCapacity, ]); } catch (AutoScalingException $exception) { if ($exception->getAwsErrorCode() == "ScalingActivityInProgress" && $attempts < 5) { error_log("Cannot terminate an instance while it is still pending. Waiting then trying again."); sleep(5 * (1 + $attempts)); return $this->terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup( $instanceId, $shouldDecrementDesiredCapacity, ++$attempts ); } else { throw $exception; } } }
For API details, see TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.
The following code example shows how to use UpdateAutoScalingGroup
- SDK for PHP
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. public function updateAutoScalingGroup($autoScalingGroupName, $args) { if (array_key_exists('MaxSize', $args)) { $maxSize = ['MaxSize' => $args['MaxSize']]; } else { $maxSize = []; } if (array_key_exists('MinSize', $args)) { $minSize = ['MinSize' => $args['MinSize']]; } else { $minSize = []; } $parameters = ['AutoScalingGroupName' => $autoScalingGroupName]; $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $minSize, $maxSize); return $this->autoScalingClient->updateAutoScalingGroup($parameters); }
For API details, see UpdateAutoScalingGroup in AWS SDK for PHP API Reference.