You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::AppMesh::Types::VirtualGatewayListener

  • Object
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When passing VirtualGatewayListener as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  connection_pool: {
    grpc: {
      max_requests: 1, # required
    http: {
      max_connections: 1, # required
      max_pending_requests: 1,
    http2: {
      max_requests: 1, # required
  health_check: {
    healthy_threshold: 1, # required
    interval_millis: 1, # required
    path: "String",
    port: 1,
    protocol: "http", # required, accepts http, http2, grpc
    timeout_millis: 1, # required
    unhealthy_threshold: 1, # required
  port_mapping: { # required
    port: 1, # required
    protocol: "http", # required, accepts http, http2, grpc
  tls: {
    certificate: { # required
      acm: {
        certificate_arn: "Arn", # required
      file: {
        certificate_chain: "FilePath", # required
        private_key: "FilePath", # required
    mode: "STRICT", # required, accepts STRICT, PERMISSIVE, DISABLED

An object that represents a listener for a virtual gateway.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The connection pool information for the virtual gateway listener.



The health check information for the listener.



The port mapping information for the listener.



A reference to an object that represents the Transport Layer Security (TLS) properties for the listener.
