You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.
Module: Aws::EC2
- Defined in:
- aws-sdk-resources/lib/aws-sdk-resources/services/ec2.rb,
aws-sdk-resources/lib/aws-sdk-resources/services/ec2/instance.rb more...
This module provides a client for making API requests to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
The Client class provides one-to-one mapping for each API operation.
ec2 = 'us-east-1')
#=> [:accept_reserved_instances_exchange_quote, :accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment, :accept_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment, :accept_vpc_endpoint_connections, ...]
Each API operation method accepts a hash of request parameters and returns a response object.
resp = ec2.accept_reserved_instances_exchange_quote(params)
See Client for more information.
Errors returned from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud are defined in the Errors module and extend Errors::ServiceError.
# do stuff
rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::ServiceError
# rescues all errors returned by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
See Errors for more information.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Errors, Types Classes: ClassicAddress, Client, DhcpOptions, Image, Instance, InternetGateway, KeyPair, KeyPairInfo, NatGateway, NetworkAcl, NetworkInterface, NetworkInterfaceAssociation, PlacementGroup, Resource, Route, RouteTable, RouteTableAssociation, SecurityGroup, Snapshot, Subnet, Tag, Volume, Vpc, VpcAddress, VpcPeeringConnection