You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::EKS::Types::NodegroupScalingConfig

  • Object
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When passing NodegroupScalingConfig as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  min_size: 1,
  max_size: 1,
  desired_size: 1,

An object representing the scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group. If you specify a value for any property, then you must specify values for all of the properties.

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.


  • (Integer)

    The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.


The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to.


The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.


  • (Integer)

    The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to.