You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Firehose::Types::OutputFormatConfiguration

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When passing OutputFormatConfiguration as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  serializer: {
    parquet_ser_de: {
      block_size_bytes: 1,
      page_size_bytes: 1,
      compression: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, SNAPPY
      enable_dictionary_compression: false,
      max_padding_bytes: 1,
      writer_version: "V1", # accepts V1, V2
    orc_ser_de: {
      stripe_size_bytes: 1,
      block_size_bytes: 1,
      row_index_stride: 1,
      enable_padding: false,
      padding_tolerance: 1.0,
      compression: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZLIB, SNAPPY
      bloom_filter_columns: ["NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace"],
      bloom_filter_false_positive_probability: 1.0,
      dictionary_key_threshold: 1.0,
      format_version: "V0_11", # accepts V0_11, V0_12

Specifies the serializer that you want Kinesis Data Firehose to use to convert the format of your data before it writes it to Amazon S3. This parameter is required if Enabled is set to true.

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Specifies which serializer to use. You can choose either the ORC SerDe or the Parquet SerDe. If both are non-null, the server rejects the request.
