You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::FraudDetector::Types::LabelSchema

  • Object
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When passing LabelSchema as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  label_mapper: { # required
    "string" => ["string"],

The label schema.

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The label mapper maps the Amazon Fraud Detector supported model classification labels (FRAUD, LEGIT) to the appropriate event type labels. For example, if \"FRAUD\" and \"LEGIT\" are Amazon Fraud Detector supported labels, this mapper could be: {"FRAUD" => ["0"], "LEGIT" => ["1"]} or {"FRAUD" => ["false"], "LEGIT" => ["true"]} or {"FRAUD" => ["fraud", "abuse"], "LEGIT" => ["legit", "safe"]}. The value part of the mapper is a list, because you may have multiple label variants from your event type for a single Amazon Fraud Detector label.


  • (Hash<String,Array<String>>)

    The label mapper maps the Amazon Fraud Detector supported model classification labels (FRAUD, LEGIT) to the appropriate event type labels.