You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::IoT::Types::Action

  • Object
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When passing Action as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  dynamo_db: {
    table_name: "TableName", # required
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    operation: "DynamoOperation",
    hash_key_field: "HashKeyField", # required
    hash_key_value: "HashKeyValue", # required
    hash_key_type: "STRING", # accepts STRING, NUMBER
    range_key_field: "RangeKeyField",
    range_key_value: "RangeKeyValue",
    range_key_type: "STRING", # accepts STRING, NUMBER
    payload_field: "PayloadField",
  dynamo_d_bv_2: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    put_item: { # required
      table_name: "TableName", # required
  lambda: {
    function_arn: "FunctionArn", # required
  sns: {
    target_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    message_format: "RAW", # accepts RAW, JSON
  sqs: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    queue_url: "QueueUrl", # required
    use_base_64: false,
  kinesis: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    stream_name: "StreamName", # required
    partition_key: "PartitionKey",
  republish: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    topic: "TopicPattern", # required
    qos: 1,
  s3: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    bucket_name: "BucketName", # required
    key: "Key", # required
    canned_acl: "private", # accepts private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control, log-delivery-write
  firehose: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    delivery_stream_name: "DeliveryStreamName", # required
    separator: "FirehoseSeparator",
    batch_mode: false,
  cloudwatch_metric: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    metric_namespace: "String", # required
    metric_name: "String", # required
    metric_value: "String", # required
    metric_unit: "String", # required
    metric_timestamp: "String",
  cloudwatch_alarm: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    alarm_name: "AlarmName", # required
    state_reason: "StateReason", # required
    state_value: "StateValue", # required
  cloudwatch_logs: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    log_group_name: "LogGroupName", # required
  elasticsearch: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    endpoint: "ElasticsearchEndpoint", # required
    index: "ElasticsearchIndex", # required
    type: "ElasticsearchType", # required
    id: "ElasticsearchId", # required
  salesforce: {
    token: "SalesforceToken", # required
    url: "SalesforceEndpoint", # required
  iot_analytics: {
    channel_arn: "AwsArn",
    channel_name: "ChannelName",
    batch_mode: false,
    role_arn: "AwsArn",
  iot_events: {
    input_name: "InputName", # required
    message_id: "MessageId",
    batch_mode: false,
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
  iot_site_wise: {
    put_asset_property_value_entries: [ # required
        entry_id: "AssetPropertyEntryId",
        asset_id: "AssetId",
        property_id: "AssetPropertyId",
        property_alias: "AssetPropertyAlias",
        property_values: [ # required
            value: { # required
              string_value: "AssetPropertyStringValue",
              integer_value: "AssetPropertyIntegerValue",
              double_value: "AssetPropertyDoubleValue",
              boolean_value: "AssetPropertyBooleanValue",
            timestamp: { # required
              time_in_seconds: "AssetPropertyTimeInSeconds", # required
              offset_in_nanos: "AssetPropertyOffsetInNanos",
            quality: "AssetPropertyQuality",
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
  step_functions: {
    execution_name_prefix: "ExecutionNamePrefix",
    state_machine_name: "StateMachineName", # required
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
  timestream: {
    role_arn: "AwsArn", # required
    database_name: "TimestreamDatabaseName", # required
    table_name: "TimestreamTableName", # required
    dimensions: [ # required
        name: "TimestreamDimensionName", # required
        value: "TimestreamDimensionValue", # required
    timestamp: {
      value: "TimestreamTimestampValue", # required
      unit: "TimestreamTimestampUnit", # required
  http: {
    url: "Url", # required
    confirmation_url: "Url",
    headers: [
        key: "HeaderKey", # required
        value: "HeaderValue", # required
    auth: {
      sigv4: {
        signing_region: "SigningRegion", # required
        service_name: "ServiceName", # required
        role_arn: "AwsArn", # required

Describes the actions associated with a rule.

Returned by:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Change the state of a CloudWatch alarm.



Send data to CloudWatch Logs.



Capture a CloudWatch metric.



Write to a DynamoDB table. This is a new version of the DynamoDB action. It allows you to write each attribute in an MQTT message payload into a separate DynamoDB column.



Write to a DynamoDB table.



Write data to an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain.



Write to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream.



Send data to an HTTPS endpoint.



Sends message data to an AWS IoT Analytics channel.



Sends an input to an AWS IoT Events detector.



Sends data from the MQTT message that triggered the rule to AWS IoT SiteWise asset properties.


  • (Types::IotSiteWiseAction)

    Sends data from the MQTT message that triggered the rule to AWS IoT SiteWise asset properties.


Write data to an Amazon Kinesis stream.



Invoke a Lambda function.



Publish to another MQTT topic.



Write to an Amazon S3 bucket.



Send a message to a Salesforce IoT Cloud Input Stream.



Publish to an Amazon SNS topic.



Publish to an Amazon SQS queue.



Starts execution of a Step Functions state machine.



The Timestream rule action writes attributes (measures) from an MQTT message into an Amazon Timestream table. For more information, see the Timestream topic rule action documentation.


  • (Types::TimestreamAction)

    The Timestream rule action writes attributes (measures) from an MQTT message into an Amazon Timestream table.