You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.
Class: Aws::Pinpoint::Types::SendUsersMessagesRequest
- Inherits:
- Object
- Struct
- Aws::Pinpoint::Types::SendUsersMessagesRequest
- Defined in:
- (unknown)
When passing SendUsersMessagesRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:
application_id: "__string", # required
send_users_message_request: { # required
context: {
"__string" => "__string",
message_configuration: { # required
adm_message: {
action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
body: "__string",
consolidation_key: "__string",
data: {
"__string" => "__string",
expires_after: "__string",
icon_reference: "__string",
image_icon_url: "__string",
image_url: "__string",
md5: "__string",
raw_content: "__string",
silent_push: false,
small_image_icon_url: "__string",
sound: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
title: "__string",
url: "__string",
apns_message: {
apns_push_type: "__string",
action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
badge: 1,
body: "__string",
category: "__string",
collapse_id: "__string",
data: {
"__string" => "__string",
media_url: "__string",
preferred_authentication_method: "__string",
priority: "__string",
raw_content: "__string",
silent_push: false,
sound: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
thread_id: "__string",
time_to_live: 1,
title: "__string",
url: "__string",
baidu_message: {
action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
body: "__string",
data: {
"__string" => "__string",
icon_reference: "__string",
image_icon_url: "__string",
image_url: "__string",
raw_content: "__string",
silent_push: false,
small_image_icon_url: "__string",
sound: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
time_to_live: 1,
title: "__string",
url: "__string",
default_message: {
body: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
default_push_notification_message: {
action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
body: "__string",
data: {
"__string" => "__string",
silent_push: false,
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
title: "__string",
url: "__string",
email_message: {
body: "__string",
feedback_forwarding_address: "__string",
from_address: "__string",
raw_email: {
data: "data",
reply_to_addresses: ["__string"],
simple_email: {
html_part: {
charset: "__string",
data: "__string",
subject: {
charset: "__string",
data: "__string",
text_part: {
charset: "__string",
data: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
gcm_message: {
action: "OPEN_APP", # accepts OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL
body: "__string",
collapse_key: "__string",
data: {
"__string" => "__string",
icon_reference: "__string",
image_icon_url: "__string",
image_url: "__string",
priority: "__string",
raw_content: "__string",
restricted_package_name: "__string",
silent_push: false,
small_image_icon_url: "__string",
sound: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
time_to_live: 1,
title: "__string",
url: "__string",
sms_message: {
body: "__string",
keyword: "__string",
media_url: "__string",
origination_number: "__string",
sender_id: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
voice_message: {
body: "__string",
language_code: "__string",
origination_number: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
voice_id: "__string",
template_configuration: {
email_template: {
name: "__string",
version: "__string",
push_template: {
name: "__string",
version: "__string",
sms_template: {
name: "__string",
version: "__string",
voice_template: {
name: "__string",
version: "__string",
trace_id: "__string",
users: { # required
"__string" => {
body_override: "__string",
context: {
"__string" => "__string",
raw_content: "__string",
substitutions: {
"__string" => ["__string"],
title_override: "__string",
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#application_id ⇒ String
#send_users_message_request ⇒ Types::SendUsersMessageRequest
Specifies the configuration and other settings for a message to send to all the endpoints that are associated with a list of users.
Instance Attribute Details
#application_id ⇒ String
#send_users_message_request ⇒ Types::SendUsersMessageRequest
Specifies the configuration and other settings for a message to send to all the endpoints that are associated with a list of users.