You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::PinpointEmail::Types::CreateDeliverabilityTestReportRequest

  • Object
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When passing CreateDeliverabilityTestReportRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  report_name: "ReportName",
  from_email_address: "EmailAddress", # required
  content: { # required
    simple: {
      subject: { # required
        data: "MessageData", # required
        charset: "Charset",
      body: { # required
        text: {
          data: "MessageData", # required
          charset: "Charset",
        html: {
          data: "MessageData", # required
          charset: "Charset",
    raw: {
      data: "data", # required
    template: {
      template_arn: "TemplateArn",
      template_data: "TemplateData",
  tags: [
      key: "TagKey", # required
      value: "TagValue", # required

A request to perform a predictive inbox placement test. Predictive inbox placement tests can help you predict how your messages will be handled by various email providers around the world. When you perform a predictive inbox placement test, you provide a sample message that contains the content that you plan to send to your customers. Amazon Pinpoint then sends that message to special email addresses spread across several major email providers. After about 24 hours, the test is complete, and you can use the GetDeliverabilityTestReport operation to view the results of the test.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The HTML body of the message that you sent when you performed the predictive inbox placement test.


  • (Types::EmailContent)

    The HTML body of the message that you sent when you performed the predictive inbox placement test.


The email address that the predictive inbox placement test email was sent from.


  • (String)

    The email address that the predictive inbox placement test email was sent from.


A unique name that helps you to identify the predictive inbox placement test when you retrieve the results.


  • (String)

    A unique name that helps you to identify the predictive inbox placement test when you retrieve the results.


An array of objects that define the tags (keys and values) that you want to associate with the predictive inbox placement test.


  • (Array<Types::Tag>)

    An array of objects that define the tags (keys and values) that you want to associate with the predictive inbox placement test.