You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::TranscribeService::Types::LanguageModel

  • Object
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The structure used to describe a custom language model.

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Instance Attribute Details


The Amazon Transcribe standard language model, or base model used to create the custom language model.

Possible values:

  • NarrowBand
  • WideBand


  • (String)

    The Amazon Transcribe standard language model, or base model used to create the custom language model.


The time the custom language model was created.


  • (Time)

    The time the custom language model was created.


The reason why the custom language model couldn\'t be created.


  • (String)

    The reason why the custom language model couldn\'t be created.


The data access role and Amazon S3 prefixes for the input files used to train the custom language model.


  • (Types::InputDataConfig)

    The data access role and Amazon S3 prefixes for the input files used to train the custom language model.


The language code you used to create your custom language model.

Possible values:

  • en-US


  • (String)

    The language code you used to create your custom language model.


The most recent time the custom language model was modified.


  • (Time)

    The most recent time the custom language model was modified.


The name of the custom language model.


  • (String)

    The name of the custom language model.


The creation status of a custom language model. When the status is COMPLETED the model is ready for use.

Possible values:



  • (String)

    The creation status of a custom language model.


Whether the base model used for the custom language model is up to date. If this field is true then you are running the most up-to-date version of the base model in your custom language model.


  • (Boolean)

    Whether the base model used for the custom language model is up to date.