Class: Aws::DirectoryService::Client
- Inherits:
- Object
- Seahorse::Client::Base
- Aws::DirectoryService::Client
- Includes:
- ClientStubs
- Defined in:
- gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb
An API client for DirectoryService. To construct a client, you need to configure a :region
and :credentials
client =
region: region_name,
credentials: credentials,
# ...
For details on configuring region and credentials see the developer guide.
See #initialize for a full list of supported configuration options.
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base
API Operations collapse
#accept_shared_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::AcceptSharedDirectoryResult
Accepts a directory sharing request that was sent from the directory owner account.
#add_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
If the DNS server for your self-managed domain uses a publicly addressable IP address, you must add a CIDR address block to correctly route traffic to and from your Microsoft AD on Amazon Web Services.
#add_region(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds two domain controllers in the specified Region for the specified directory.
#add_tags_to_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified directory.
#cancel_schema_extension(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Cancels an in-progress schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory.
#connect_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ConnectDirectoryResult
Creates an AD Connector to connect to a self-managed directory.
#create_alias(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateAliasResult
Creates an alias for a directory and assigns the alias to the directory.
#create_computer(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateComputerResult
Creates an Active Directory computer object in the specified directory.
#create_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Creates a conditional forwarder associated with your Amazon Web Services directory.
#create_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateDirectoryResult
Creates a Simple AD directory.
#create_log_subscription(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Creates a subscription to forward real-time Directory Service domain controller security logs to the specified Amazon CloudWatch log group in your Amazon Web Services account.
#create_microsoft_ad(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateMicrosoftADResult
Creates a Microsoft AD directory in the Amazon Web Services Cloud.
#create_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateSnapshotResult
Creates a snapshot of a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory in the Amazon Web Services cloud.
#create_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateTrustResult
Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure trust relationships.
#delete_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your Amazon Web Services directory.
#delete_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteDirectoryResult
Deletes an Directory Service directory.
#delete_log_subscription(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes the specified log subscription.
#delete_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteSnapshotResult
Deletes a directory snapshot.
#delete_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteTrustResult
Deletes an existing trust relationship between your Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.
#deregister_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes from the system the certificate that was registered for secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
#deregister_event_topic(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes the specified directory as a publisher to the specified Amazon SNS topic.
#describe_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeCertificateResult
Displays information about the certificate registered for secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
#describe_client_authentication_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeClientAuthenticationSettingsResult
Retrieves information about the type of client authentication for the specified directory, if the type is specified.
#describe_conditional_forwarders(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeConditionalForwardersResult
Obtains information about the conditional forwarders for this account.
#describe_directories(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDirectoriesResult
Obtains information about the directories that belong to this account.
#describe_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDirectoryDataAccessResult
Obtains status of directory data access enablement through the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
#describe_domain_controllers(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDomainControllersResult
Provides information about any domain controllers in your directory.
#describe_event_topics(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeEventTopicsResult
Obtains information about which Amazon SNS topics receive status messages from the specified directory.
#describe_ldaps_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeLDAPSSettingsResult
Describes the status of LDAP security for the specified directory.
#describe_regions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeRegionsResult
Provides information about the Regions that are configured for multi-Region replication.
#describe_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSettingsResult
Retrieves information about the configurable settings for the specified directory.
#describe_shared_directories(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSharedDirectoriesResult
Returns the shared directories in your account.
#describe_snapshots(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSnapshotsResult
Obtains information about the directory snapshots that belong to this account.
#describe_trusts(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeTrustsResult
Obtains information about the trust relationships for this account.
#describe_update_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeUpdateDirectoryResult
Describes the updates of a directory for a particular update type.
#disable_client_authentication(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables alternative client authentication methods for the specified directory.
#disable_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deactivates access to directory data via the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
#disable_ldaps(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deactivates LDAP secure calls for the specified directory.
#disable_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
#disable_sso(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables single-sign on for a directory.
#enable_client_authentication(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables alternative client authentication methods for the specified directory.
#enable_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables access to directory data via the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
#enable_ldaps(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Activates the switch for the specific directory to always use LDAP secure calls.
#enable_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
#enable_sso(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables single sign-on for a directory.
#get_directory_limits(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDirectoryLimitsResult
Obtains directory limit information for the current Region.
#get_snapshot_limits(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetSnapshotLimitsResult
Obtains the manual snapshot limits for a directory.
#list_certificates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListCertificatesResult
For the specified directory, lists all the certificates registered for a secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
#list_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListIpRoutesResult
Lists the address blocks that you have added to a directory.
#list_log_subscriptions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListLogSubscriptionsResult
Lists the active log subscriptions for the Amazon Web Services account.
#list_schema_extensions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListSchemaExtensionsResult
Lists all schema extensions applied to a Microsoft AD Directory.
#list_tags_for_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceResult
Lists all tags on a directory.
#register_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RegisterCertificateResult
Registers a certificate for a secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
#register_event_topic(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associates a directory with an Amazon SNS topic.
#reject_shared_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RejectSharedDirectoryResult
Rejects a directory sharing request that was sent from the directory owner account.
#remove_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes IP address blocks from a directory.
#remove_region(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Stops all replication and removes the domain controllers from the specified Region.
#remove_tags_from_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes tags from a directory.
#reset_user_password(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Resets the password for any user in your Managed Microsoft AD or Simple AD directory.
#restore_from_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Restores a directory using an existing directory snapshot.
#share_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ShareDirectoryResult
Shares a specified directory (
) in your Amazon Web Services account (directory owner) with another Amazon Web Services account (directory consumer). -
#start_schema_extension(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartSchemaExtensionResult
Applies a schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory.
#unshare_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UnshareDirectoryResult
Stops the directory sharing between the directory owner and consumer accounts.
#update_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your Amazon Web Services directory.
#update_directory_setup(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates the directory for a particular update type.
#update_number_of_domain_controllers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or removes domain controllers to or from the directory.
#update_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server information for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
#update_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateSettingsResult
Updates the configurable settings for the specified directory.
#update_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateTrustResult
Updates the trust that has been set up between your Managed Microsoft AD directory and an self-managed Active Directory.
#verify_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::VerifyTrustResult
Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure and verify trust relationships.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#initialize(options) ⇒ Client
A new instance of Client.
Methods included from ClientStubs
#api_requests, #stub_data, #stub_responses
Methods inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base
add_plugin, api, clear_plugins, define, new, #operation_names, plugins, remove_plugin, set_api, set_plugins
Methods included from Seahorse::Client::HandlerBuilder
#handle, #handle_request, #handle_response
Constructor Details
#initialize(options) ⇒ Client
Returns a new instance of Client.
447 448 449 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 447 def initialize(*args) super end |
Instance Method Details
#accept_shared_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::AcceptSharedDirectoryResult
Accepts a directory sharing request that was sent from the directory owner account.
486 487 488 489 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 486 def accept_shared_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:accept_shared_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#add_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
If the DNS server for your self-managed domain uses a publicly addressable IP address, you must add a CIDR address block to correctly route traffic to and from your Microsoft AD on Amazon Web Services. AddIpRoutes adds this address block. You can also use AddIpRoutes to facilitate routing traffic that uses public IP ranges from your Microsoft AD on Amazon Web Services to a peer VPC.
Before you call AddIpRoutes, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the AddIpRoutes operation, see Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference.
605 606 607 608 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 605 def add_ip_routes(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:add_ip_routes, params) req.send_request() end |
#add_region(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds two domain controllers in the specified Region for the specified directory.
642 643 644 645 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 642 def add_region(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:add_region, params) req.send_request() end |
#add_tags_to_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified directory. Each directory can have a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key and optional value. Tag keys must be unique to each resource.
675 676 677 678 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 675 def (params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:add_tags_to_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#cancel_schema_extension(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Cancels an in-progress schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory.
Once a schema extension has started replicating to all domain
controllers, the task can no longer be canceled. A schema extension
can be canceled during any of the following states; Initializing
, and UpdatingSchema
706 707 708 709 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 706 def cancel_schema_extension(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:cancel_schema_extension, params) req.send_request() end |
#connect_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ConnectDirectoryResult
Creates an AD Connector to connect to a self-managed directory.
Before you call ConnectDirectory
, ensure that all of the required
permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details
about what permissions are required to run the ConnectDirectory
operation, see Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources,
and Conditions Reference.
780 781 782 783 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 780 def connect_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:connect_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_alias(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateAliasResult
Creates an alias for a directory and assigns the alias to the
directory. The alias is used to construct the access URL for the
directory, such as http://<alias>
After an alias has been created, it cannot be deleted or reused, so this operation should only be used when absolutely necessary.
823 824 825 826 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 823 def create_alias(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_alias, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_computer(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateComputerResult
Creates an Active Directory computer object in the specified directory.
882 883 884 885 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 882 def create_computer(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_computer, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Creates a conditional forwarder associated with your Amazon Web Services directory. Conditional forwarders are required in order to set up a trust relationship with another domain. The conditional forwarder points to the trusted domain.
918 919 920 921 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 918 def create_conditional_forwarder(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_conditional_forwarder, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateDirectoryResult
Creates a Simple AD directory. For more information, see Simple Active Directory in the Directory Service Admin Guide.
Before you call CreateDirectory
, ensure that all of the required
permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details
about what permissions are required to run the CreateDirectory
operation, see Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources,
and Conditions Reference.
1027 1028 1029 1030 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1027 def create_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_log_subscription(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Creates a subscription to forward real-time Directory Service domain controller security logs to the specified Amazon CloudWatch log group in your Amazon Web Services account.
1057 1058 1059 1060 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1057 def create_log_subscription(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_log_subscription, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_microsoft_ad(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateMicrosoftADResult
Creates a Microsoft AD directory in the Amazon Web Services Cloud. For more information, see Managed Microsoft AD in the Directory Service Admin Guide.
Before you call CreateMicrosoftAD, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the CreateMicrosoftAD operation, see Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference.
1142 1143 1144 1145 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1142 def create_microsoft_ad(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_microsoft_ad, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateSnapshotResult
Creates a snapshot of a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory in the Amazon Web Services cloud.
1179 1180 1181 1182 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1179 def create_snapshot(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_snapshot, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateTrustResult
Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure trust relationships. For example, you can establish a trust between your Managed Microsoft AD directory, and your existing self-managed Microsoft Active Directory. This would allow you to provide users and groups access to resources in either domain, with a single set of credentials.
This action initiates the creation of the Amazon Web Services side of a trust relationship between an Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain. You can create either a forest trust or an external trust.
1245 1246 1247 1248 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1245 def create_trust(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_trust, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your Amazon Web Services directory.
1273 1274 1275 1276 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1273 def delete_conditional_forwarder(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_conditional_forwarder, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteDirectoryResult
Deletes an Directory Service directory.
Before you call DeleteDirectory
, ensure that all of the required
permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details
about what permissions are required to run the DeleteDirectory
operation, see Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources,
and Conditions Reference.
1311 1312 1313 1314 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1311 def delete_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_log_subscription(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes the specified log subscription.
1333 1334 1335 1336 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1333 def delete_log_subscription(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_log_subscription, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteSnapshotResult
Deletes a directory snapshot.
1361 1362 1363 1364 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1361 def delete_snapshot(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_snapshot, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteTrustResult
Deletes an existing trust relationship between your Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.
1394 1395 1396 1397 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1394 def delete_trust(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_trust, params) req.send_request() end |
#deregister_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes from the system the certificate that was registered for secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
1421 1422 1423 1424 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1421 def deregister_certificate(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:deregister_certificate, params) req.send_request() end |
#deregister_event_topic(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes the specified directory as a publisher to the specified Amazon SNS topic.
1450 1451 1452 1453 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1450 def deregister_event_topic(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:deregister_event_topic, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeCertificateResult
Displays information about the certificate registered for secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
1490 1491 1492 1493 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1490 def describe_certificate(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_certificate, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_client_authentication_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeClientAuthenticationSettingsResult
Retrieves information about the type of client authentication for the
specified directory, if the type is specified. If no type is
specified, information about all client authentication types that are
supported for the specified directory is retrieved. Currently, only
is supported.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1547 1548 1549 1550 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1547 def describe_client_authentication_settings(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_client_authentication_settings, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_conditional_forwarders(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeConditionalForwardersResult
Obtains information about the conditional forwarders for this account.
If no input parameters are provided for RemoteDomainNames, this request describes all conditional forwarders for the specified directory ID.
1590 1591 1592 1593 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1590 def describe_conditional_forwarders(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_conditional_forwarders, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_directories(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDirectoriesResult
Obtains information about the directories that belong to this account.
You can retrieve information about specific directories by passing the
directory identifiers in the DirectoryIds
parameter. Otherwise, all
directories that belong to the current account are returned.
This operation supports pagination with the use of the NextToken
request and response parameters. If more results are available, the
member contains a token that you
pass in the next call to DescribeDirectories to retrieve the next set
of items.
You can also specify a maximum number of return results with the
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1719 1720 1721 1722 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1719 def describe_directories(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_directories, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDirectoryDataAccessResult
Obtains status of directory data access enablement through the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
1748 1749 1750 1751 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1748 def describe_directory_data_access(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_directory_data_access, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_domain_controllers(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeDomainControllersResult
Provides information about any domain controllers in your directory.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1805 1806 1807 1808 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1805 def describe_domain_controllers(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_domain_controllers, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_event_topics(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeEventTopicsResult
Obtains information about which Amazon SNS topics receive status messages from the specified directory.
If no input parameters are provided, such as DirectoryId or TopicName, this request describes all of the associations in the account.
1852 1853 1854 1855 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1852 def describe_event_topics(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_event_topics, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_ldaps_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeLDAPSSettingsResult
Describes the status of LDAP security for the specified directory.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1900 1901 1902 1903 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1900 def describe_ldaps_settings(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_ldaps_settings, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_regions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeRegionsResult
Provides information about the Regions that are configured for multi-Region replication.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1953 1954 1955 1956 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 1953 def describe_regions(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_regions, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSettingsResult
Retrieves information about the configurable settings for the specified directory.
2008 2009 2010 2011 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2008 def describe_settings(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_settings, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_shared_directories(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSharedDirectoriesResult
Returns the shared directories in your account.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2064 2065 2066 2067 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2064 def describe_shared_directories(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_shared_directories, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_snapshots(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSnapshotsResult
Obtains information about the directory snapshots that belong to this account.
This operation supports pagination with the use of the NextToken request and response parameters. If more results are available, the DescribeSnapshots.NextToken member contains a token that you pass in the next call to DescribeSnapshots to retrieve the next set of items.
You can also specify a maximum number of return results with the Limit parameter.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2127 2128 2129 2130 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2127 def describe_snapshots(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_snapshots, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_trusts(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeTrustsResult
Obtains information about the trust relationships for this account.
If no input parameters are provided, such as DirectoryId or TrustIds, this request describes all the trust relationships belonging to the account.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2192 2193 2194 2195 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2192 def describe_trusts(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_trusts, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_update_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeUpdateDirectoryResult
Describes the updates of a directory for a particular update type.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2245 2246 2247 2248 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2245 def describe_update_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_update_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#disable_client_authentication(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables alternative client authentication methods for the specified directory.
2273 2274 2275 2276 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2273 def disable_client_authentication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disable_client_authentication, params) req.send_request() end |
#disable_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deactivates access to directory data via the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
2296 2297 2298 2299 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2296 def disable_directory_data_access(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disable_directory_data_access, params) req.send_request() end |
#disable_ldaps(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deactivates LDAP secure calls for the specified directory.
2323 2324 2325 2326 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2323 def disable_ldaps(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disable_ldaps, params) req.send_request() end |
#disable_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
2347 2348 2349 2350 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2347 def disable_radius(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disable_radius, params) req.send_request() end |
#disable_sso(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disables single-sign on for a directory.
2387 2388 2389 2390 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2387 def disable_sso(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disable_sso, params) req.send_request() end |
#enable_client_authentication(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables alternative client authentication methods for the specified directory.
2417 2418 2419 2420 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2417 def enable_client_authentication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:enable_client_authentication, params) req.send_request() end |
#enable_directory_data_access(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables access to directory data via the Directory Service Data API for the specified directory.
2440 2441 2442 2443 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2440 def enable_directory_data_access(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:enable_directory_data_access, params) req.send_request() end |
#enable_ldaps(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Activates the switch for the specific directory to always use LDAP secure calls.
2468 2469 2470 2471 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2468 def enable_ldaps(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:enable_ldaps, params) req.send_request() end |
#enable_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
2506 2507 2508 2509 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2506 def enable_radius(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:enable_radius, params) req.send_request() end |
#enable_sso(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Enables single sign-on for a directory. Single sign-on allows users in your directory to access certain Amazon Web Services services from a computer joined to the directory without having to enter their credentials separately.
2549 2550 2551 2552 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2549 def enable_sso(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:enable_sso, params) req.send_request() end |
#get_directory_limits(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDirectoryLimitsResult
Obtains directory limit information for the current Region.
2576 2577 2578 2579 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2576 def get_directory_limits(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:get_directory_limits, params) req.send_request() end |
#get_snapshot_limits(params = {}) ⇒ Types::GetSnapshotLimitsResult
Obtains the manual snapshot limits for a directory.
2606 2607 2608 2609 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2606 def get_snapshot_limits(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:get_snapshot_limits, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_certificates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListCertificatesResult
For the specified directory, lists all the certificates registered for a secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2655 2656 2657 2658 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2655 def list_certificates(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_certificates, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListIpRoutesResult
Lists the address blocks that you have added to a directory.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2704 2705 2706 2707 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2704 def list_ip_routes(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_ip_routes, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_log_subscriptions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListLogSubscriptionsResult
Lists the active log subscriptions for the Amazon Web Services account.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2752 2753 2754 2755 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2752 def list_log_subscriptions(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_log_subscriptions, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_schema_extensions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListSchemaExtensionsResult
Lists all schema extensions applied to a Microsoft AD Directory.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2801 2802 2803 2804 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2801 def list_schema_extensions(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_schema_extensions, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_tags_for_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceResult
Lists all tags on a directory.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2843 2844 2845 2846 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2843 def (params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#register_certificate(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RegisterCertificateResult
Registers a certificate for a secure LDAP or client certificate authentication.
2889 2890 2891 2892 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2889 def register_certificate(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:register_certificate, params) req.send_request() end |
#register_event_topic(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associates a directory with an Amazon SNS topic. This establishes the directory as a publisher to the specified Amazon SNS topic. You can then receive email or text (SMS) messages when the status of your directory changes. You get notified if your directory goes from an Active status to an Impaired or Inoperable status. You also receive a notification when the directory returns to an Active status.
2923 2924 2925 2926 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2923 def register_event_topic(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:register_event_topic, params) req.send_request() end |
#reject_shared_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::RejectSharedDirectoryResult
Rejects a directory sharing request that was sent from the directory owner account.
2953 2954 2955 2956 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2953 def reject_shared_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:reject_shared_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#remove_ip_routes(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes IP address blocks from a directory.
2980 2981 2982 2983 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 2980 def remove_ip_routes(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:remove_ip_routes, params) req.send_request() end |
#remove_region(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Stops all replication and removes the domain controllers from the
specified Region. You cannot remove the primary Region with this
operation. Instead, use the DeleteDirectory
3005 3006 3007 3008 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3005 def remove_region(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:remove_region, params) req.send_request() end |
#remove_tags_from_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Removes tags from a directory.
3031 3032 3033 3034 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3031 def (params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:remove_tags_from_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#reset_user_password(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Resets the password for any user in your Managed Microsoft AD or Simple AD directory. Disabled users will become enabled and can be authenticated following the API call.
You can reset the password for any user in your directory with the following exceptions:
For Simple AD, you cannot reset the password for any user that is a member of either the Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins group except for the administrator user.
For Managed Microsoft AD, you can only reset the password for a user that is in an OU based off of the NetBIOS name that you typed when you created your directory. For example, you cannot reset the password for a user in the Amazon Web Services Reserved OU. For more information about the OU structure for an Managed Microsoft AD directory, see What Gets Created in the Directory Service Administration Guide.
3083 3084 3085 3086 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3083 def reset_user_password(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:reset_user_password, params) req.send_request() end |
#restore_from_snapshot(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Restores a directory using an existing directory snapshot.
When you restore a directory from a snapshot, any changes made to the directory after the snapshot date are overwritten.
This action returns as soon as the restore operation is initiated. You
can monitor the progress of the restore operation by calling the
DescribeDirectories operation with the directory identifier. When the
DirectoryDescription.Stage value changes to Active
, the restore
operation is complete.
3114 3115 3116 3117 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3114 def restore_from_snapshot(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:restore_from_snapshot, params) req.send_request() end |
#share_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ShareDirectoryResult
Shares a specified directory (DirectoryId
) in your Amazon Web
Services account (directory owner) with another Amazon Web Services
account (directory consumer). With this operation you can use your
directory from any Amazon Web Services account and from any Amazon VPC
within an Amazon Web Services Region.
When you share your Managed Microsoft AD directory, Directory Service creates a shared directory in the directory consumer account. This shared directory contains the metadata to provide access to the directory within the directory owner account. The shared directory is visible in all VPCs in the directory consumer account.
The ShareMethod
parameter determines whether the specified directory
can be shared between Amazon Web Services accounts inside the same
Amazon Web Services organization (ORGANIZATIONS
). It also determines
whether you can share the directory with any other Amazon Web Services
account either inside or outside of the organization (HANDSHAKE
The ShareNotes
parameter is only used when HANDSHAKE
is called,
which sends a directory sharing request to the directory consumer.
3184 3185 3186 3187 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3184 def share_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:share_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_schema_extension(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartSchemaExtensionResult
Applies a schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory.
3229 3230 3231 3232 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3229 def start_schema_extension(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_schema_extension, params) req.send_request() end |
#unshare_directory(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UnshareDirectoryResult
Stops the directory sharing between the directory owner and consumer accounts.
3267 3268 3269 3270 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3267 def unshare_directory(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:unshare_directory, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_conditional_forwarder(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your Amazon Web Services directory.
3301 3302 3303 3304 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3301 def update_conditional_forwarder(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_conditional_forwarder, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_directory_setup(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates the directory for a particular update type.
3341 3342 3343 3344 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3341 def update_directory_setup(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_directory_setup, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_number_of_domain_controllers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or removes domain controllers to or from the directory. Based on the difference between current value and new value (provided through this API call), domain controllers will be added or removed. It may take up to 45 minutes for any new domain controllers to become fully active once the requested number of domain controllers is updated. During this time, you cannot make another update request.
3373 3374 3375 3376 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3373 def update_number_of_domain_controllers(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_number_of_domain_controllers, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_radius(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Updates the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server information for an AD Connector or Microsoft AD directory.
3411 3412 3413 3414 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3411 def update_radius(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_radius, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_settings(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateSettingsResult
Updates the configurable settings for the specified directory.
3448 3449 3450 3451 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3448 def update_settings(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_settings, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateTrustResult
Updates the trust that has been set up between your Managed Microsoft AD directory and an self-managed Active Directory.
3483 3484 3485 3486 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3483 def update_trust(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_trust, params) req.send_request() end |
#verify_trust(params = {}) ⇒ Types::VerifyTrustResult
Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure and verify trust relationships.
This action verifies a trust relationship between your Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.
3515 3516 3517 3518 |
# File 'gems/aws-sdk-directoryservice/lib/aws-sdk-directoryservice/client.rb', line 3515 def verify_trust(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:verify_trust, params) req.send_request() end |