AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 3.5
Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 3000 topics. For more information, see This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

Namespace: Amazon.SimpleNotificationService
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public virtual CreateTopicResponse CreateTopic(
         CreateTopicRequest request


Type: Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTopic service method.

Return Value
Type: Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicResponse
The response from the CreateTopic service method, as returned by SimpleNotificationService.


AuthorizationErrorException Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource.
InternalErrorException Indicates an internal service error.
InvalidParameterException Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints.
TopicLimitExceededException Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics.


This example shows how to create, subscribe to, and publish a topic.

Create, subscribe to, and publish topic example

var snsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient();

var topicRequest = new CreateTopicRequest
  Name = "CodingTestResults"

var topicResponse = snsClient.CreateTopic(topicRequest);

var topicAttrRequest = new SetTopicAttributesRequest
  TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn,
  AttributeName = "DisplayName",
  AttributeValue = "Coding Test Results"


snsClient.Subscribe(new SubscribeRequest
  Endpoint = "",
  Protocol = "email",
  TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn

// Wait for up to 2 minutes for the user to confirm the subscription.
DateTime latest = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

while (DateTime.Now < latest)
  var subsRequest = new ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest
    TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn

  var subs = snsClient.ListSubscriptionsByTopic(subsRequest).Subscriptions;

  var sub = subs[0];

  if (!string.Equals(sub.SubscriptionArn,
    "PendingConfirmation", StringComparison.Ordinal))

  // Wait 15 seconds before trying again.

snsClient.Publish(new PublishRequest
  Subject = "Coding Test Results for " +
  Message = "All of today's coding tests passed.",
  TopicArn = topicResponse.TopicArn

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5