AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Configuration for the S3 section of AWS configuration. Changes to some settings may not take effect until a new client is constructed. Example section:

  <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK.Core"/>
  <s3 useSignatureVersion4="true" />

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public static class AWSConfigsS3

The AWSConfigsS3 type exposes the following members


Public Property Static Property DisableDefaultChecksumValidation System.Boolean

WARNING: Setting DisableDefaultChecksumValidation to true disables the default data integrity check on upload requests.

When true, checksum verification will not be used in upload requests. This may increase upload performance under high CPU loads. Setting DisableDefaultChecksumValidation sets the deprecated property DisableMD5Stream to the same value. The default value is false. Set this value to true to disable the default checksum validation used in all S3 upload requests or override this value per request by setting the DisableDefaultChecksumValidation property on Amazon.S3.Model.PutObjectRequest, Amazon.S3.Model.UploadPartRequest, or Amazon.S3.Transfer.TransferUtilityUploadRequest.

Checksums, SigV4 payload signing, and HTTPS each provide some data integrity verification. If DisableDefaultChecksumValidation is true and DisablePayloadSigning is true, then the possibility of data corruption is completely dependent on HTTPS being the only remaining source of data integrity verification.

This flag is a rename of the Amazon.AWSConfigsS3.DisableMD5Stream property

Public Property Static Property DisableMD5Stream System.Boolean

WARNING: Setting DisableMD5Stream to true disables the MD5 data integrity check on upload requests.This property has been deprecated in favor of Amazon.AWSConfigsS3.DisableDefaultChecksumValidation Setting the value of DisableMD5Stream will set DisableDefaultChecksumValidation to the same value and vice versa. This property was left here for backwards compatibility.

When true, MD5Stream will not be used in upload requests. This may increase upload performance under high CPU loads. The default value is false. Set this value to true to disable MD5Stream use in all S3 upload requests or override this value per request by setting the DisableMD5Stream property on PutObjectRequest, UploadPartRequest, or TransferUtilityUploadRequest.

MD5Stream, SigV4 payload signing, and HTTPS each provide some data integrity verification. If DisableMD5Stream is true and DisablePayloadSigning is true, then the possibility of data corruption is completely dependant on HTTPS being the only remaining source of data integrity verification.

Public Property Static Property EnableUnicodeEncodingForObjectMetadata System.Boolean

Escape and unescape S3 metadata for S3 Put/Get object requests. Escape only escapes non-ascii values in metadata Any "%" values in metadata could interfere with this option. Default value is false.

Public Property Static Property UseSignatureVersion4 System.Boolean

Configures if the S3 client should use Signature Version 4 signing with requests. By default, this setting is set to true which will use Signature Version 4 for all requests except presigned URL requests when the region is set to us-east-1. When UseSignatureVersion4 is explicitly set to true by directly setting this property or directly setting this property through configuration, Signature Version 4 will be used for all requests when able to do so. When this setting is false, Signature Version 2 will be used. Note that when the setting is false, Signature Version 4 may still be used by default in some cases or with some regions.


Field Static Field S3UseSignatureVersion4Key System.String

Key for the S3UseSignatureVersion4Key property.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5