AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Lists all policies from the root of the Directory to the object specified. If there are no policies present, an empty list is returned. If policies are present, and if some objects don't have the policies attached, it returns the ObjectIdentifier for such objects. If policies are present, it returns ObjectIdentifier, policyId, and policyType. Paths that don't lead to the root from the target object are ignored. For more information, see Policies.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to LookupPolicyAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CloudDirectory
Assembly: AWSSDK.CloudDirectory.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual LookupPolicyResponse LookupPolicy(
         LookupPolicyRequest request


Type: Amazon.CloudDirectory.Model.LookupPolicyRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the LookupPolicy service method.

Return Value

The response from the LookupPolicy service method, as returned by CloudDirectory.


AccessDeniedException Access denied or directory not found. Either you don't have permissions for this directory or the directory does not exist. Try calling ListDirectories and check your permissions.
DirectoryNotEnabledException Operations are only permitted on enabled directories.
InternalServiceException Indicates a problem that must be resolved by Amazon Web Services. This might be a transient error in which case you can retry your request until it succeeds. Otherwise, go to the AWS Service Health Dashboard site to see if there are any operational issues with the service.
InvalidArnException Indicates that the provided ARN value is not valid.
InvalidNextTokenException Indicates that the NextToken value is not valid.
LimitExceededException Indicates that limits are exceeded. See Limits for more information.
ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource could not be found.
RetryableConflictException Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. For example, if a write operation occurs on an object and then an attempt is made to read the object using “SERIALIZABLE” consistency, this exception may result. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
ValidationException Indicates that your request is malformed in some manner. See the exception message.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also