AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Updates the configuration for a CloudFront distribution.

The update process includes getting the current distribution configuration, updating it to make your changes, and then submitting an UpdateDistribution request to make the updates.

To update a web distribution using the CloudFront API

  1. Use GetDistributionConfig to get the current configuration, including the version identifier (ETag).

  2. Update the distribution configuration that was returned in the response. Note the following important requirements and restrictions:

    • You must rename the ETag field to IfMatch, leaving the value unchanged. (Set the value of IfMatch to the value of ETag, then remove the ETag field.)

    • You can't change the value of CallerReference.

  3. Submit an UpdateDistribution request, providing the distribution configuration. The new configuration replaces the existing configuration. The values that you specify in an UpdateDistribution request are not merged into your existing configuration. Make sure to include all fields: the ones that you modified and also the ones that you didn't.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to UpdateDistributionAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CloudFront
Assembly: AWSSDK.CloudFront.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public abstract UpdateDistributionResponse UpdateDistribution(
         UpdateDistributionRequest request


Type: Amazon.CloudFront.Model.UpdateDistributionRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateDistribution service method.

Return Value

The response from the UpdateDistribution service method, as returned by CloudFront.


AccessDeniedException Access denied.
CNAMEAlreadyExistsException The CNAME specified is already defined for CloudFront.
ContinuousDeploymentPolicyInUseException You cannot delete a continuous deployment policy that is associated with a primary distribution.
IllegalFieldLevelEncryptionConfigAssociationWithCacheBehaviorException The specified configuration for field-level encryption can't be associated with the specified cache behavior.
IllegalOriginAccessConfigurationException An origin cannot contain both an origin access control (OAC) and an origin access identity (OAI).
IllegalUpdateException The update contains modifications that are not allowed.
InconsistentQuantitiesException The value of Quantity and the size of Items don't match.
InvalidArgumentException An argument is invalid.
InvalidDefaultRootObjectException The default root object file name is too big or contains an invalid character.
InvalidDomainNameForOriginAccessControlException An origin access control is associated with an origin whose domain name is not supported.
InvalidErrorCodeException An invalid error code was specified.
InvalidForwardCookiesException Your request contains forward cookies option which doesn't match with the expectation for the whitelisted list of cookie names. Either list of cookie names has been specified when not allowed or list of cookie names is missing when expected.
InvalidFunctionAssociationException A CloudFront function association is invalid.
InvalidGeoRestrictionParameterException The specified geo restriction parameter is not valid.
InvalidHeadersForS3OriginException The headers specified are not valid for an Amazon S3 origin.
InvalidIfMatchVersionException The If-Match version is missing or not valid.
InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociationException The specified Lambda@Edge function association is invalid.
InvalidLocationCodeException The location code specified is not valid.
InvalidMinimumProtocolVersionException The minimum protocol version specified is not valid.
InvalidOriginAccessControlException The origin access control is not valid.
InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist.
InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeoutException The keep alive timeout specified for the origin is not valid.
InvalidOriginReadTimeoutException The read timeout specified for the origin is not valid.
InvalidQueryStringParametersException The query string parameters specified are not valid.
InvalidRelativePathException The relative path is too big, is not URL-encoded, or does not begin with a slash (/).
InvalidRequiredProtocolException This operation requires the HTTPS protocol. Ensure that you specify the HTTPS protocol in your request, or omit the RequiredProtocols element from your distribution configuration.
InvalidResponseCodeException A response code is not valid.
InvalidTTLOrderException The TTL order specified is not valid.
InvalidViewerCertificateException A viewer certificate specified is not valid.
InvalidWebACLIdException A web ACL ID specified is not valid. To specify a web ACL created using the latest version of WAF, use the ACL ARN, for example arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/webacl/ExampleWebACL/473e64fd-f30b-4765-81a0-62ad96dd167a. To specify a web ACL created using WAF Classic, use the ACL ID, for example 473e64fd-f30b-4765-81a0-62ad96dd167a.
MissingBodyException This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set.
NoSuchCachePolicyException The cache policy does not exist.
NoSuchContinuousDeploymentPolicyException The continuous deployment policy doesn't exist.
NoSuchDistributionException The specified distribution does not exist.
NoSuchFieldLevelEncryptionConfigException The specified configuration for field-level encryption doesn't exist.
NoSuchOriginException No origin exists with the specified Origin Id.
NoSuchOriginRequestPolicyException The origin request policy does not exist.
NoSuchRealtimeLogConfigException The real-time log configuration does not exist.
NoSuchResponseHeadersPolicyException The response headers policy does not exist.
PreconditionFailedException The precondition in one or more of the request fields evaluated to false.
RealtimeLogConfigOwnerMismatchException The specified real-time log configuration belongs to a different Amazon Web Services account.
StagingDistributionInUseException A continuous deployment policy for this staging distribution already exists.
TooManyCacheBehaviorsException You cannot create more cache behaviors for the distribution.
TooManyCertificatesException You cannot create anymore custom SSL/TLS certificates.
TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteListException Your request contains more cookie names in the whitelist than are allowed per cache behavior.
TooManyDistributionCNAMEsException Your request contains more CNAMEs than are allowed per distribution.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToCachePolicyException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified cache policy. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToFieldLevelEncryptionConfigException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified configuration for field-level encryption.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToKeyGroupException The number of distributions that reference this key group is more than the maximum allowed. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToOriginAccessControlException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified origin access control. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToOriginRequestPolicyException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified origin request policy. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsAssociatedToResponseHeadersPolicyException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified response headers policy. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsWithFunctionAssociationsException You have reached the maximum number of distributions that are associated with a CloudFront function. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociationsException Processing your request would cause the maximum number of distributions with Lambda@Edge function associations per owner to be exceeded.
TooManyDistributionsWithSingleFunctionARNException The maximum number of distributions have been associated with the specified Lambda@Edge function.
TooManyFunctionAssociationsException You have reached the maximum number of CloudFront function associations for this distribution. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyHeadersInForwardedValuesException Your request contains too many headers in forwarded values.
TooManyKeyGroupsAssociatedToDistributionException The number of key groups referenced by this distribution is more than the maximum allowed. For more information, see Quotas (formerly known as limits) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociationsException Your request contains more Lambda@Edge function associations than are allowed per distribution.
TooManyOriginCustomHeadersException Your request contains too many origin custom headers.
TooManyOriginGroupsPerDistributionException Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of origin groups allowed.
TooManyOriginsException You cannot create more origins for the distribution.
TooManyQueryStringParametersException Your request contains too many query string parameters.
TooManyTrustedSignersException Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution.
TrustedKeyGroupDoesNotExistException The specified key group does not exist.
TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException One or more of your trusted signers don't exist.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also