AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Enables the specified rule. If the rule does not exist, the operation fails.

When you enable a rule, incoming events might not immediately start matching to a newly enabled rule. Allow a short period of time for changes to take effect.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to EnableRuleAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CloudWatchEvents
Assembly: AWSSDK.CloudWatchEvents.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public abstract EnableRuleResponse EnableRule(
         EnableRuleRequest request


Type: Amazon.CloudWatchEvents.Model.EnableRuleRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the EnableRule service method.

Return Value

The response from the EnableRule service method, as returned by CloudWatchEvents.


ConcurrentModificationException There is concurrent modification on a rule, target, archive, or replay.
InternalException This exception occurs due to unexpected causes.
ManagedRuleException This rule was created by an Amazon Web Services service on behalf of your account. It is managed by that service. If you see this error in response to DeleteRule or RemoveTargets, you can use the Force parameter in those calls to delete the rule or remove targets from the rule. You cannot modify these managed rules by using DisableRule, EnableRule, PutTargets, PutRule, TagResource, or UntagResource.
ResourceNotFoundException An entity that you specified does not exist.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also