AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Posts a comment in reply to an existing comment on a comparison between commits or a pull request.


This is an asynchronous operation using the standard naming convention for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the operation is implemented as a pair of methods using the standard naming convention of BeginPostCommentReply and EndPostCommentReply.

Namespace: Amazon.CodeCommit
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeCommit.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual Task<PostCommentReplyResponse> PostCommentReplyAsync(
         PostCommentReplyRequest request,
         CancellationToken cancellationToken


Type: Amazon.CodeCommit.Model.PostCommentReplyRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PostCommentReply service method.

Type: System.Threading.CancellationToken

A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.

Return Value

The response from the PostCommentReply service method, as returned by CodeCommit.


ClientRequestTokenRequiredException A client request token is required. A client request token is an unique, client-generated idempotency token that, when provided in a request, ensures the request cannot be repeated with a changed parameter. If a request is received with the same parameters and a token is included, the request returns information about the initial request that used that token.
CommentContentRequiredException The comment is empty. You must provide some content for a comment. The content cannot be null.
CommentContentSizeLimitExceededException The comment is too large. Comments are limited to 10,240 characters.
CommentDoesNotExistException No comment exists with the provided ID. Verify that you have used the correct ID, and then try again.
CommentIdRequiredException The comment ID is missing or null. A comment ID is required.
IdempotencyParameterMismatchException The client request token is not valid. Either the token is not in a valid format, or the token has been used in a previous request and cannot be reused.
InvalidClientRequestTokenException The client request token is not valid.
InvalidCommentIdException The comment ID is not in a valid format. Make sure that you have provided the full comment ID.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer

See Also