AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Creates a new custom action that can be used in all pipelines associated with the Amazon Web Services account. Only used for custom actions.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to CreateCustomActionTypeAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CodePipeline
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodePipeline.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual CreateCustomActionTypeResponse CreateCustomActionType(
         CreateCustomActionTypeRequest request


Type: Amazon.CodePipeline.Model.CreateCustomActionTypeRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateCustomActionType service method.

Return Value

The response from the CreateCustomActionType service method, as returned by CodePipeline.


ConcurrentModificationException Unable to modify the tag due to a simultaneous update request.
InvalidTagsException The specified resource tags are invalid.
LimitExceededException The number of pipelines associated with the Amazon Web Services account has exceeded the limit allowed for the account.
TooManyTagsException The tags limit for a resource has been exceeded.
ValidationException The validation was specified in an invalid format.


This example creates a build custom action for AWS CodePipeline for a Jenkins build project. For more information about the requirements for creating a custom action, including the structure of the JSON file commonly used to help create custom actions, see Create a Custom Action in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide. For a walkthrough of creating a custom action in a pipeline, follow the Four-Stage Pipeline Tutorial.

Create a custom action

var client = new AmazonCodePipelineClient();
var response = client.CreateCustomActionType(new CreateCustomActionTypeRequest 
    Version = "1", // A new custom action always has a version of 1. This is required.
    Category = "Build",
    ConfigurationProperties = new List<ActionConfigurationProperty> {
        new ActionConfigurationProperty {
            Name = "MyJenkinsExampleBuildProject",
            Type = "String",
            Required = true,
            Key = true,
            Description = "The name of the build project must be provided when this action is added to the pipeline.",
            Queryable = false,
            Secret = false
    }, // The text in description will be displayed to your users, and can contain a maximum of 2048 characters. The value for name in configurationProperties is the name of the project, if any.  In this example, this is the name of the build project on the Jenkins server
    InputArtifactDetails = new ArtifactDetails {
        MaximumCount = 1,
        MinimumCount = 0
    }, // This is the minimum and maximum number of artifacts allowed as inputs for the action. For more information about input and output artifacts, see Pipeline Structure Reference in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.
    OutputArtifactDetails = new ArtifactDetails {
        MaximumCount = 1,
        MinimumCount = 0
    }, // This is the minimum and maximum number of artifacts allowed as outputs for the action. For more information about input and output artifacts, see Pipeline Structure Reference in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.
    Provider = "MyBuild-ProviderName", // In this example, this is the name given to the provider field when configuring the AWS CodePipeline Plugin for Jenkins. For more information, see the Four-Stage Pipeline Tutorial in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.
    Settings = new ActionTypeSettings {
        EntityUrlTemplate = "{Config:ProjectName}/",
        ExecutionUrlTemplate = "{Config:ProjectName}/lastSuccessfulBuild/{ExternalExecutionId}/",
        RevisionUrlTemplate = "none"
    } // entityUrlTemplate is the static link that provides information about the service provider for the action. In the example, the build system includes a static link to the Jenkins build project at the specific server address.  Similarly, executionUrlTemplate is the dynamic link that will be updated with information about the current or most recent run of the action.

ActionType actionType = response.ActionType;


Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

See Also