AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Configuration object for setting options on the DynamoDBContext. and individual operations.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel
Assembly: AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class DynamoDBContextConfig

The DynamoDBContextConfig type exposes the following members


Public Method DynamoDBContextConfig()

Default constructor


Public Property ConsistentRead System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

Property that directs DynamoDBContext to use consistent reads. If property is not set, behavior defaults to non-consistent reads.

Public Property Conversion Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DynamoDBEntryConversion

Conversion specification which controls how conversion between .NET and DynamoDB types happens.

Public Property DisableFetchingTableMetadata System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

If true disables fetching table metadata automatically from DynamoDB. Table metadata must be defined by Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel.DynamoDBAttribute attributes and/or in Amazon.AWSConfigsDynamoDB.

Public Property IgnoreNullValues System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

Property that directs DynamoDBContext to ignore null values on attributes during a Save operation. If the property is false (or not set), null values will be interpreted as directives to delete the specific attribute.

Public Property IsEmptyStringValueEnabled System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

Property that directs DynamoDBContext to enable empty string values on attributes during a Save operation. If the property is false (or not set), empty string values will be interpreted as null values.

Public Property MetadataCachingMode System.Nullable<Amazon.DynamoDBv2.MetadataCachingMode>

The object persistence model API relies on an internal cache of the DynamoDB table's metadata to construct and validate requests. This controls how the cache key is derived, which influences when the SDK will call IAmazonDynamoDB.DescribeTable(string) internally to populate the cache.

Public Property RetrieveDateTimeInUtc System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

If true, all System.DateTime properties are retrieved in UTC timezone while reading data from DynamoDB. Else, the local timezone is used.

Public Property SkipVersionCheck System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

Property that directs DynamoDBContext to skip version checks when saving or deleting an object with a version attribute. If property is not set, version checks are performed.

Public Property TableNamePrefix System.String

Property that directs DynamoDBContext to prefix all table names with a specific string. If property is null or empty, no prefix is used and default table names are used.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5