AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the UpdateTimeToLive operation. The UpdateTimeToLive method enables or disables Time to Live (TTL) for the specified table. A successful UpdateTimeToLive call returns the current TimeToLiveSpecification. It can take up to one hour for the change to fully process. Any additional UpdateTimeToLive calls for the same table during this one hour duration result in a ValidationException.

TTL compares the current time in epoch time format to the time stored in the TTL attribute of an item. If the epoch time value stored in the attribute is less than the current time, the item is marked as expired and subsequently deleted.

The epoch time format is the number of seconds elapsed since 12:00:00 AM January 1, 1970 UTC.

DynamoDB deletes expired items on a best-effort basis to ensure availability of throughput for other data operations.

DynamoDB typically deletes expired items within two days of expiration. The exact duration within which an item gets deleted after expiration is specific to the nature of the workload. Items that have expired and not been deleted will still show up in reads, queries, and scans.

As items are deleted, they are removed from any local secondary index and global secondary index immediately in the same eventually consistent way as a standard delete operation.

For more information, see Time To Live in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class UpdateTimeToLiveRequest : AmazonDynamoDBRequest

The UpdateTimeToLiveRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method UpdateTimeToLiveRequest()


Public Property TableName System.String

Gets and sets the property TableName.

The name of the table to be configured. You can also provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table in this parameter.

Public Property TimeToLiveSpecification Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.TimeToLiveSpecification

Gets and sets the property TimeToLiveSpecification.

Represents the settings used to enable or disable Time to Live for the specified table.

Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5