AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Describes the credit option for CPU usage of the specified burstable performance instances. The credit options are standard and unlimited.

If you do not specify an instance ID, Amazon EC2 returns burstable performance instances with the unlimited credit option, as well as instances that were previously configured as T2, T3, and T3a with the unlimited credit option. For example, if you resize a T2 instance, while it is configured as unlimited, to an M4 instance, Amazon EC2 returns the M4 instance.

If you specify one or more instance IDs, Amazon EC2 returns the credit option (standard or unlimited) of those instances. If you specify an instance ID that is not valid, such as an instance that is not a burstable performance instance, an error is returned.

Recently terminated instances might appear in the returned results. This interval is usually less than one hour.

If an Availability Zone is experiencing a service disruption and you specify instance IDs in the affected zone, or do not specify any instance IDs at all, the call fails. If you specify only instance IDs in an unaffected zone, the call works normally.

For more information, see Burstable performance instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


This is an asynchronous operation using the standard naming convention for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the operation is implemented as a pair of methods using the standard naming convention of BeginDescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications and EndDescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications.

Namespace: Amazon.EC2
Assembly: AWSSDK.EC2.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual Task<DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsResponse> DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsAsync(
         DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsRequest request,
         CancellationToken cancellationToken


Type: Amazon.EC2.Model.DescribeInstanceCreditSpecificationsRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications service method.

Type: System.Threading.CancellationToken

A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.

Return Value

The response from the DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications service method, as returned by EC2.

Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5

See Also