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Creates a custom key store backed by a key store that you own and manage. When you use a KMS key in a custom key store for a cryptographic operation, the cryptographic operation is actually performed in your key store using your keys. KMS supports CloudHSM key stores backed by an CloudHSM cluster and external key stores backed by an external key store proxy and external key manager outside of Amazon Web Services.
This operation is part of the custom key stores feature in KMS, which combines the convenience and extensive integration of KMS with the isolation and control of a key store that you own and manage.
Before you create the custom key store, the required elements must be in place and operational. We recommend that you use the test tools that KMS provides to verify the configuration your external key store proxy. For details about the required elements and verification tests, see Assemble the prerequisites (for CloudHSM key stores) or Assemble the prerequisites (for external key stores) in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
To create a custom key store, use the following parameters.
To create an CloudHSM key store, specify the CustomKeyStoreName
, CloudHsmClusterId
, and TrustAnchorCertificate
. The CustomKeyStoreType
parameter is optional for CloudHSM key stores. If you include it, set it to the default
. For help with failures, see Troubleshooting
an CloudHSM key store in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
To create an external key store, specify the CustomKeyStoreName
and a CustomKeyStoreType
. Also, specify values for XksProxyConnectivity
, XksProxyUriEndpoint
, and XksProxyUriPath
If your XksProxyConnectivity
, specify
the XksProxyVpcEndpointServiceName
parameter. For help with failures, see Troubleshooting
an external key store in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
For external key stores:
Some external key managers provide a simpler method for creating an external key store. For details, see your external key manager documentation.
When creating an external key store in the KMS console, you can upload a JSON-based
proxy configuration file with the desired values. You cannot use a proxy configuration
with the CreateCustomKeyStore
operation. However, you can use the values in
the file to help you determine the correct values for the CreateCustomKeyStore
When the operation completes successfully, it returns the ID of the new custom key store. Before you can use your new custom key store, you need to use the ConnectCustomKeyStore operation to connect a new CloudHSM key store to its CloudHSM cluster, or to connect a new external key store to the external key store proxy for your external key manager. Even if you are not going to use your custom key store immediately, you might want to connect it to verify that all settings are correct and then disconnect it until you are ready to use it.
For help with failures, see Troubleshooting a custom key store in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
Cross-account use: No. You cannot perform this operation on a custom key store in a different Amazon Web Services account.
Required permissions: kms:CreateCustomKeyStore (IAM policy).
Related operations:
Eventual consistency: The KMS API follows an eventual consistency model. For more information, see KMS eventual consistency.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to CreateCustomKeyStoreAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.KeyManagementService
Assembly: AWSSDK.KeyManagementService.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public virtual CreateCustomKeyStoreResponse CreateCustomKeyStore( CreateCustomKeyStoreRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateCustomKeyStore service method.
Exception | Condition |
CloudHsmClusterInUseException | The request was rejected because the specified CloudHSM cluster is already associated with an CloudHSM key store in the account, or it shares a backup history with an CloudHSM key store in the account. Each CloudHSM key store in the account must be associated with a different CloudHSM cluster. CloudHSM clusters that share a backup history have the same cluster certificate. To view the cluster certificate of an CloudHSM cluster, use the DescribeClusters operation. |
CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException |
The request was rejected because the associated CloudHSM cluster did not meet the
configuration requirements for an CloudHSM key store.
The CloudHSM cluster must be configured with private subnets in at least two different
Availability Zones in the Region.
The security
group for the cluster (cloudhsm-cluster- |
CloudHsmClusterNotActiveException | The request was rejected because the CloudHSM cluster associated with the CloudHSM key store is not active. Initialize and activate the cluster and try the command again. For detailed instructions, see Getting Started in the CloudHSM User Guide. |
CloudHsmClusterNotFoundException | The request was rejected because KMS cannot find the CloudHSM cluster with the specified cluster ID. Retry the request with a different cluster ID. |
CustomKeyStoreNameInUseException | The request was rejected because the specified custom key store name is already assigned to another custom key store in the account. Try again with a custom key store name that is unique in the account. |
IncorrectTrustAnchorException | The request was rejected because the trust anchor certificate in the request to create an CloudHSM key store is not the trust anchor certificate for the specified CloudHSM cluster. When you initialize the CloudHSM cluster, you create the trust anchor certificate and save it in the customerCA.crt file. |
KMSInternalException | The request was rejected because an internal exception occurred. The request can be retried. |
LimitExceededException | The request was rejected because a quota was exceeded. For more information, see Quotas in the Key Management Service Developer Guide. |
XksProxyIncorrectAuthenticationCredentialException | The request was rejected because the proxy credentials failed to authenticate to the specified external key store proxy. The specified external key store proxy rejected a status request from KMS due to invalid credentials. This can indicate an error in the credentials or in the identification of the external key store proxy. |
XksProxyInvalidConfigurationException | The request was rejected because the external key store proxy is not configured correctly. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception. |
XksProxyInvalidResponseException | KMS cannot interpret the response it received from the external key store proxy. The problem might be a poorly constructed response, but it could also be a transient network issue. If you see this error repeatedly, report it to the proxy vendor. |
XksProxyUriEndpointInUseException | The request was rejected because the XksProxyUriEndpoint is already associated with another external key store in this Amazon Web Services Region. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception. |
XksProxyUriInUseException | The request was rejected because the concatenation of the XksProxyUriEndpoint and XksProxyUriPath is already associated with another external key store in this Amazon Web Services Region. Each external key store in a Region must use a unique external key store proxy API address. |
XksProxyUriUnreachableException | KMS was unable to reach the specified XksProxyUriPath. The path must be reachable before you create the external key store or update its settings. This exception is also thrown when the external key store proxy response to a GetHealthStatus request indicates that all external key manager instances are unavailable. |
XksProxyVpcEndpointServiceInUseException | The request was rejected because the specified Amazon VPC endpoint service is already associated with another external key store in this Amazon Web Services Region. Each external key store in a Region must use a different Amazon VPC endpoint service. |
XksProxyVpcEndpointServiceInvalidConfigurationException | The request was rejected because the Amazon VPC endpoint service configuration does not fulfill the requirements for an external key store. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception and review the requirements for Amazon VPC endpoint service connectivity for an external key store. |
XksProxyVpcEndpointServiceNotFoundException | The request was rejected because KMS could not find the specified VPC endpoint service. Use DescribeCustomKeyStores to verify the VPC endpoint service name for the external key store. Also, confirm that the Allow principals list for the VPC endpoint service includes the KMS service principal for the Region, such as |
This example creates a custom key store that is associated with an AWS CloudHSM cluster.
var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient(); var response = client.CreateCustomKeyStore(new CreateCustomKeyStoreRequest { CloudHsmClusterId = "cluster-234abcdefABC", // The ID of the CloudHSM cluster. CustomKeyStoreName = "ExampleKeyStore", // A friendly name for the custom key store. KeyStorePassword = "kmsPswd", // The password for the kmsuser CU account in the specified cluster. TrustAnchorCertificate = "<certificate-goes-here>" // The content of the customerCA.crt file that you created when you initialized the cluster. }); string customKeyStoreId = response.CustomKeyStoreId; // The ID of the new custom key store.
This example creates an external key store that uses an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with AWS KMS.
var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient(); var response = client.CreateCustomKeyStore(new CreateCustomKeyStoreRequest { CustomKeyStoreName = "ExampleVPCEndpointKeyStore", // A friendly name for the custom key store CustomKeyStoreType = "EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE", // For external key stores, the value must be EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE XksProxyAuthenticationCredential = new XksProxyAuthenticationCredentialType { AccessKeyId = "ABCDE12345670EXAMPLE", RawSecretAccessKey = "DXjSUawnel2fr6SKC7G25CNxTyWKE5PF9XX6H/u9pSo=" }, // The access key ID and secret access key that KMS uses to authenticate to your external key store proxy XksProxyConnectivity = "VPC_ENDPOINT_SERVICE", // Indicates how AWS KMS communicates with the external key store proxy XksProxyUriEndpoint = "", // The URI that AWS KMS uses to connect to the external key store proxy XksProxyUriPath = "/example-prefix/kms/xks/v1", // The URI path to the external key store proxy APIs XksProxyVpcEndpointServiceName = "" // The VPC endpoint service that KMS uses to communicate with the external key store proxy }); string customKeyStoreId = response.CustomKeyStoreId; // The ID of the new custom key store.
This example creates an external key store with public endpoint connectivity.
var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient(); var response = client.CreateCustomKeyStore(new CreateCustomKeyStoreRequest { CustomKeyStoreName = "ExamplePublicEndpointKeyStore", // A friendly name for the custom key store CustomKeyStoreType = "EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE", // For external key stores, the value must be EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE XksProxyAuthenticationCredential = new XksProxyAuthenticationCredentialType { AccessKeyId = "ABCDE12345670EXAMPLE", RawSecretAccessKey = "DXjSUawnel2fr6SKC7G25CNxTyWKE5PF9XX6H/u9pSo=" }, // The access key ID and secret access key that KMS uses to authenticate to your external key store proxy XksProxyConnectivity = "PUBLIC_ENDPOINT", // Indicates how AWS KMS communicates with the external key store proxy XksProxyUriEndpoint = "", // The URI that AWS KMS uses to connect to the external key store proxy XksProxyUriPath = "/kms/xks/v1" // The URI path to your external key store proxy API }); string customKeyStoreId = response.CustomKeyStoreId; // The ID of the new custom key store.
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5