AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Returns information about the CopyPart response and response metadata.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.S3.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class CopyPartResponse : AmazonWebServiceResponse

The CopyPartResponse type exposes the following members


Public Method CopyPartResponse()


Public Property BucketKeyEnabled System.Boolean

Indicates whether the multipart upload uses bucket key for server-side encryption with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS).

Public Property ChecksumCRC32 System.String

Gets and sets the property ChecksumCRC32.

The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32 checksum of the object.

Public Property ChecksumCRC32C System.String

Gets and sets the property ChecksumCRC32C.

The base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32C checksum of the object.

Public Property ChecksumSHA1 System.String

Gets and sets the property ChecksumSHA1.

The base64-encoded, 160-bit SHA-1 digest of the object.

Public Property ChecksumSHA256 System.String

Gets and sets the property ChecksumSHA256.

The base64-encoded, 256-bit SHA-256 digest of the object.

Public Property ContentLength System.Int64 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property CopySourceVersionId System.String

The version of the source object that was copied, if you have enabled versioning on the source bucketName.

Public Property ETag System.String

Entity tag of the object.

Public Property HttpStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property LastModified System.DateTime

Date and time at which the object was uploaded.

Public Property PartNumber System.Int32

Gets and sets the PartNumber property. This is the part number in it's multi-part upload that will uniquely identify the part and determine the relative ordering within the destination object.

Public Property ResponseMetadata Amazon.Runtime.ResponseMetadata Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId System.String

The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object.

If present, specifies the ID of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (Amazon Web Services KMS) symmetric encryption customer managed key that was used for the object.

Public Property ServerSideEncryptionMethod Amazon.S3.ServerSideEncryptionMethod

The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3 (for example, AES256, aws:kms).

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5