AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Configuration for accessing AmazonS3 service

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.S3
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class AmazonS3Config : ClientConfig

The AmazonS3Config type exposes the following members


Public Method AmazonS3Config()

Default constructor


Public Property AllowAutoRedirect System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property AuthenticationRegion System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property AuthenticationServiceName System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property AWSTokenProvider Amazon.Runtime.IAWSTokenProvider Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property BufferSize System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ClientAppId System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ClockOffset System.TimeSpan Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ConnectionLimit System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property CorrectedUtcNow System.DateTime Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property DefaultConfigurationMode Amazon.Runtime.DefaultConfigurationMode Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property DisableHostPrefixInjection System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property DisableLogging System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property DisableMultiregionAccessPoints System.Boolean

If set to true, prevents calls to multi-region access points. If not explicitly set here it will fallback first to the value of AWS_S3_DISABLE_MULTIREGION_ACCESS_POINTS environment variable, then to s3_disable_multiregion_access_points in the shared configuration file. Once a valid value is found in the environment variable or configuration file it will be cached for this AmazonS3Config instance.

Public Property DisableRequestCompression System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property DisableS3ExpressSessionAuth System.Boolean

If set to true the use of S3Express auth disabled.

Public Property EndpointDiscoveryCacheLimit System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property EndpointDiscoveryEnabled System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property EndpointProvider Amazon.Runtime.Endpoints.IEndpointProvider Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property FastFailRequests System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ForcePathStyle System.Boolean

When true, requests will always use path style addressing.

Public Property IgnoreConfiguredEndpointUrls System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property IsMaxErrorRetrySet System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property LogMetrics System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property LogResponse System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property MaxErrorRetry System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property MaxIdleTime System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property Profile Amazon.Profile Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProgressUpdateInterval System.Int64 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProxyBypassList System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String> Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProxyBypassOnLocal System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProxyCredentials System.Net.ICredentials Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProxyHost System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ProxyPort System.Int32 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ReadEntireResponse System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ReadWriteTimeout System.Nullable<System.TimeSpan> Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property RegionEndpoint Amazon.RegionEndpoint Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property RegionEndpointServiceName System.String

The constant used to lookup in the region hash the endpoint.

Public Property RequestMinCompressionSizeBytes System.Int64 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ResignRetries System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property RetryMode Amazon.Runtime.RequestRetryMode Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property S3ExpressCredentialProvider Amazon.S3.IS3ExpressCredentialProvider

Gets and sets S3Express credential provider property. This property is used to provide credentials for requests that uses S3Express authentication. During client initialization it is set to default S3Express credential provider, but can be changed to use custom user supplied S3Express credential provider.

Public Property Static Property ServiceId System.String

The ServiceId, which is the unique identifier for a service.

Public Property ServiceId System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ServiceURL System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ServiceVersion System.String

Gets the ServiceVersion property.

Public Property SignatureMethod Amazon.Runtime.SigningAlgorithm Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property SignatureVersion System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property TcpKeepAlive Amazon.Runtime.TcpKeepAlive Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property ThrottleRetries System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property Timeout System.Nullable<System.TimeSpan> Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UseAccelerateEndpoint System.Boolean

Enables S3 accelerate by sending requests to the accelerate endpoint instead of the regular region endpoint. To use this feature, the bucket name should be DNS compliant names and should not contain periods (.). The following APIs are not supported and are sent to the regular region endpoint, even if this option is enabled:

  1. PutBucket
  2. ListBuckets
  3. DeleteBucket

Public Property UseAlternateUserAgentHeader System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UseArnRegion System.Boolean

If set to true and the service package supports it the region identified in the arn for a resource will be used when making the service request.

Public Property USEast1RegionalEndpointValue System.Nullable<Amazon.Runtime.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpointValue>

USEast1RegionalEndpointValue determines whether or not to send the us-east-1 s3 requests to the regional endpoint or to the legacy global endpoint. This flags takes precedence over the AWS_S3_US_EAST_1_REGIONAL_ENDPOINT environment variable and the credential file.

Public Property UseDualstackEndpoint System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UseFIPSEndpoint System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UseHttp System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UseNagleAlgorithm System.Boolean Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Property UserAgent System.String

Gets the value of UserAgent property.



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method DetermineDnsSuffix() Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method DetermineServiceURL()

Given this client configuration, returns the service url

Public Method GetHttpProxy() Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method GetHttpsProxy() Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method GetWebProxy() Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method SetUseNagleIfAvailable(bool) Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method SetWebProxy(WebProxy) Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig.
Public Method Validate()

Validate that the config object is properly configured.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5