AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the UpdateSecretVersionStage operation. Modifies the staging labels attached to a version of a secret. Secrets Manager uses staging labels to track a version as it progresses through the secret rotation process. Each staging label can be attached to only one version at a time. To add a staging label to a version when it is already attached to another version, Secrets Manager first removes it from the other version first and then attaches it to this one. For more information about versions and staging labels, see Concepts: Version.

The staging labels that you specify in the VersionStage parameter are added to the existing list of staging labels for the version.

You can move the AWSCURRENT staging label to this version by including it in this call.

Whenever you move AWSCURRENT, Secrets Manager automatically moves the label AWSPREVIOUS to the version that AWSCURRENT was removed from.

If this action results in the last label being removed from a version, then the version is considered to be 'deprecated' and can be deleted by Secrets Manager.

Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you call this action. Do not include sensitive information in request parameters because it might be logged. For more information, see Logging Secrets Manager events with CloudTrail.

Required permissions: secretsmanager:UpdateSecretVersionStage. For more information, see IAM policy actions for Secrets Manager and Authentication and access control in Secrets Manager.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.SecretsManager.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.SecretsManager.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class UpdateSecretVersionStageRequest : AmazonSecretsManagerRequest

The UpdateSecretVersionStageRequest type exposes the following members



Public Property MoveToVersionId System.String

Gets and sets the property MoveToVersionId.

The ID of the version to add the staging label to. To remove a label from a version, then do not specify this parameter.

If the staging label is already attached to a different version of the secret, then you must also specify the RemoveFromVersionId parameter.

Public Property RemoveFromVersionId System.String

Gets and sets the property RemoveFromVersionId.

The ID of the version that the staging label is to be removed from. If the staging label you are trying to attach to one version is already attached to a different version, then you must include this parameter and specify the version that the label is to be removed from. If the label is attached and you either do not specify this parameter, or the version ID does not match, then the operation fails.

Public Property SecretId System.String

Gets and sets the property SecretId.

The ARN or the name of the secret with the version and staging labelsto modify.

For an ARN, we recommend that you specify a complete ARN rather than a partial ARN. See Finding a secret from a partial ARN.

Public Property VersionStage System.String

Gets and sets the property VersionStage.

The staging label to add to this version.


The following example shows you how to add a staging label to a version of a secret. You can review the results by running the operation ListSecretVersionIds and viewing the VersionStages response field for the affected version.

To add a staging label attached to a version of a secret

var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient();
var response = client.UpdateSecretVersionStage(new UpdateSecretVersionStageRequest 
    MoveToVersionId = "EXAMPLE1-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba987SECRET1",
    SecretId = "MyTestDatabaseSecret",
    VersionStage = "STAGINGLABEL1"

string arn = response.ARN;
string name = response.Name;


The following example shows you how to delete a staging label that is attached to a version of a secret. You can review the results by running the operation ListSecretVersionIds and viewing the VersionStages response field for the affected version.

To delete a staging label attached to a version of a secret

var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient();
var response = client.UpdateSecretVersionStage(new UpdateSecretVersionStageRequest 
    RemoveFromVersionId = "EXAMPLE1-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba987SECRET1",
    SecretId = "MyTestDatabaseSecret",
    VersionStage = "STAGINGLABEL1"

string arn = response.ARN;
string name = response.Name;


The following example shows you how to move a staging label that is attached to one version of a secret to a different version. You can review the results by running the operation ListSecretVersionIds and viewing the VersionStages response field for the affected version.

To move a staging label from one version of a secret to another

var client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient();
var response = client.UpdateSecretVersionStage(new UpdateSecretVersionStageRequest 
    MoveToVersionId = "EXAMPLE2-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba987SECRET2",
    RemoveFromVersionId = "EXAMPLE1-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba987SECRET1",
    SecretId = "MyTestDatabaseSecret",
    VersionStage = "AWSCURRENT"

string arn = response.ARN;
string name = response.Name;


Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5