AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Event within a workflow execution. A history event can be one of these types:

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.SimpleWorkflow.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class HistoryEvent

The HistoryEvent type exposes the following members


Public Method HistoryEvent()


Public Property ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskCanceledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskCanceled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskCancelRequestedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskcancelRequested then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskCompleted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskScheduledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskScheduled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskStartedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskStarted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ActivityTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ActivityTaskTimedOut then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property CancelTimerFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.CancelTimerFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property CancelTimerFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type CancelTimerFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property CancelWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.CancelWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property CancelWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type CancelWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionCompleted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionStarted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminated then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOut then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type CompleteWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ContinueAsNewWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property DecisionTaskCompletedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.DecisionTaskCompletedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property DecisionTaskCompletedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type DecisionTaskCompleted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property DecisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.DecisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property DecisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type DecisionTaskScheduled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property DecisionTaskStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.DecisionTaskStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property DecisionTaskStartedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type DecisionTaskStarted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property DecisionTaskTimedOutEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.DecisionTaskTimedOutEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property DecisionTaskTimedOutEventAttributes.

If the event is of type DecisionTaskTimedOut then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property EventId System.Int64

Gets and sets the property EventId.

The system generated ID of the event. This ID uniquely identifies the event with in the workflow execution history.

Public Property EventTimestamp System.DateTime

Gets and sets the property EventTimestamp.

The date and time when the event occurred.

Public Property EventType Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.EventType

Gets and sets the property EventType.

The type of the history event.

Public Property ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequested then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property FailWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.FailWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property FailWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type FailWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property LambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.LambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property LambdaFunctionCompletedEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the LambdaFunctionCompleted event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property LambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.LambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property LambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the LambdaFunctionFailed event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property LambdaFunctionScheduledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.LambdaFunctionScheduledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property LambdaFunctionScheduledEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the LambdaFunctionScheduled event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property LambdaFunctionStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.LambdaFunctionStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property LambdaFunctionStartedEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the LambdaFunctionStarted event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property LambdaFunctionTimedOutEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the LambdaFunctionTimedOut event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property MarkerRecordedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.MarkerRecordedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property MarkerRecordedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type MarkerRecorded then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property RecordMarkerFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.RecordMarkerFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property RecordMarkerFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type DecisionTaskFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property RequestCancelActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.RequestCancelActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property RequestCancelActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type RequestCancelActivityTaskFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ScheduleActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ScheduleActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ScheduleActivityTaskFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type ScheduleActivityTaskFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the ScheduleLambdaFunctionFailed event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiatedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiated then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property StartLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.StartLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property StartLambdaFunctionFailedEventAttributes.

Provides the details of the StartLambdaFunctionFailed event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property StartTimerFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.StartTimerFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property StartTimerFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type StartTimerFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property TimerCanceledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.TimerCanceledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property TimerCanceledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type TimerCanceled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property TimerFiredEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.TimerFiredEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property TimerFiredEventAttributes.

If the event is of type TimerFired then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property TimerStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.TimerStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property TimerStartedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type TimerStarted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionCanceledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionCanceled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionCompleted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNewEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNew then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionFailedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionFailed then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionSignaled then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionStarted then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionTerminatedEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionTerminated then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Public Property WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes Amazon.SimpleWorkflow.Model.WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes

Gets and sets the property WorkflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes.

If the event is of type WorkflowExecutionTimedOut then this member is set and provides detailed information about the event. It isn't set for other event types.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5