AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
MD5Digest Property
AmazonAmazon.S3.ModelPutObjectRequestMD5Digest Did this page help you?   Yes   No    Tell us about it...
An MD5 digest for the content.
Declaration Syntax
public string MD5Digest { get; set; }

The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the message (without the headers) according to RFC 1864. This header can be used as a message integrity check to verify that the data is the same data that was originally sent.

If supplied, after the file has been uploaded to S3, S3 checks to ensure that the MD5 hash of the uploaded file matches the hash supplied.

Although it is optional, we recommend using the Content-MD5 mechanism as an end-to-end integrity check.

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (