AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
AmazonS3Exception Class
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Amazon S3 Exception provides details of errors returned by Amazon S3 service. In particular, this class provides access to S3's extended request ID, the Date, and the host ID which are required debugging information in the odd case that you need to contact Amazon about an issue where Amazon S3 is incorrectly handling a request. The ResponseHeaders property of the AmazonS3Exception contains all the HTTP headers in the Error Response returned by the S3 service.
Declaration Syntax
public class AmazonS3Exception : Exception, 
All MembersConstructorsMethodsProperties

Initializes a new AmazonS3Exception with default values.

Initializes a new AmazonS3Exception with a specified error message

Initializes a new AmazonS3Exception from the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

AmazonS3Exception(String, Exception)
Initializes a new AmazonS3Exception with a specific error message and the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

AmazonS3Exception(String, HttpStatusCode)
Initializes an AmazonS3Exception with a specific message and HTTP status code

AmazonS3Exception(String, HttpStatusCode, String, String, String, String, String, WebHeaderCollection)
Initializes an AmazonS3Exception with error information provided in an AmazonS3 response.

AmazonS3Exception(String, HttpStatusCode, String, WebHeaderCollection, Exception)
Initializes an AmazonS3Exception with error information provided in an AmazonS3 response and the inner exception that is the cause of the exception

AmazonS3Exception(HttpStatusCode, String, String, WebHeaderCollection, S3Error)
Initializes an AmazonS3Exception with error information provided in an AmazonS3 response and the inner exception that is the cause of the exception

Gets a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the ErrorCode property.

When overridden in a derived class, returns the Exception that is the root cause of one or more subsequent exceptions.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Serializes this instance of AmazonS3Exception.
(Overrides Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext).)
Gets the runtime type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets or sets a link to the help file associated with this exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets the HostId property.

Gets the Exception instance that caused the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets error message
(Overrides Exception.Message.)
Gets Request ID returned by the service if available.

Gets the error response HTTP headers so that S3 specific information can be retrieved for debugging. Interesting fields are: a. x-amz-id-2 b. Date A value can be retrieved from this HeaderCollection via: ResponseHeaders.Get("key");

Gets the S3 service address used to make this request.

Gets or sets the name of the application or the object that causes the error.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets status code returned by the service if available. If status code is set to -1, it means that status code was unavailable at the time exception was thrown

Gets the method that throws the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception.
(Inherited from Exception.)
Gets XML returned by the service if available.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (