You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::CodeDeploy::Types::ListDeploymentInstancesInput

  • Object
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When passing ListDeploymentInstancesInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required
  next_token: "NextToken",
  instance_status_filter: ["Pending"], # accepts Pending, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Skipped, Unknown, Ready
  instance_type_filter: ["Blue"], # accepts Blue, Green

Represents the input of a ListDeploymentInstances operation.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The unique ID of a deployment.


  • (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.


A subset of instances to list by status:

  • Pending: Include those instances with pending deployments.

  • InProgress: Include those instances where deployments are still in progress.

  • Succeeded: Include those instances with successful deployments.

  • Failed: Include those instances with failed deployments.

  • Skipped: Include those instances with skipped deployments.

  • Unknown: Include those instances with deployments in an unknown state.


  • (Array<String>)

    A subset of instances to list by status:.


The set of instances in a blue/green deployment, either those in the original environment (\"BLUE\") or those in the replacement environment (\"GREEN\"), for which you want to view instance information.


  • (Array<String>)

    The set of instances in a blue/green deployment, either those in the original environment (\"BLUE\") or those in the replacement environment (\"GREEN\"), for which you want to view instance information.


An identifier returned from the previous list deployment instances call. It can be used to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.


  • (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list deployment instances call.