You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Pinpoint::Types::WriteJourneyRequest

  • Object
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Defined in:



When passing WriteJourneyRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  activities: {
    "__string" => {
      custom: {
        delivery_uri: "__string",
        message_config: {
          data: "__string",
        next_activity: "__string",
        template_name: "__string",
        template_version: "__string",
      conditional_split: {
        condition: {
          conditions: [
              event_condition: {
                dimensions: {
                  attributes: {
                    "__string" => {
                      attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                      values: ["__string"], # required
                  event_type: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  metrics: {
                    "__string" => {
                      comparison_operator: "__string", # required
                      value: 1.0, # required
                message_activity: "__string",
              segment_condition: {
                segment_id: "__string", # required
              segment_dimensions: {
                attributes: {
                  "__string" => {
                    attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                behavior: {
                  recency: {
                    duration: "HR_24", # required, accepts HR_24, DAY_7, DAY_14, DAY_30
                    recency_type: "ACTIVE", # required, accepts ACTIVE, INACTIVE
                demographic: {
                  app_version: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  channel: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  device_type: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  make: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  model: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  platform: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                location: {
                  country: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  gps_point: {
                    coordinates: { # required
                      latitude: 1.0, # required
                      longitude: 1.0, # required
                    range_in_kilometers: 1.0,
                metrics: {
                  "__string" => {
                    comparison_operator: "__string", # required
                    value: 1.0, # required
                user_attributes: {
                  "__string" => {
                    attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
          operator: "ALL", # accepts ALL, ANY
        evaluation_wait_time: {
          wait_for: "__string",
          wait_until: "__string",
        false_activity: "__string",
        true_activity: "__string",
      description: "__string",
      email: {
        message_config: {
          from_address: "__string",
        next_activity: "__string",
        template_name: "__string",
        template_version: "__string",
      holdout: {
        next_activity: "__string",
        percentage: 1, # required
      multi_condition: {
        branches: [
            condition: {
              event_condition: {
                dimensions: {
                  attributes: {
                    "__string" => {
                      attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                      values: ["__string"], # required
                  event_type: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  metrics: {
                    "__string" => {
                      comparison_operator: "__string", # required
                      value: 1.0, # required
                message_activity: "__string",
              segment_condition: {
                segment_id: "__string", # required
              segment_dimensions: {
                attributes: {
                  "__string" => {
                    attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                behavior: {
                  recency: {
                    duration: "HR_24", # required, accepts HR_24, DAY_7, DAY_14, DAY_30
                    recency_type: "ACTIVE", # required, accepts ACTIVE, INACTIVE
                demographic: {
                  app_version: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  channel: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  device_type: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  make: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  model: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  platform: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                location: {
                  country: {
                    dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
                  gps_point: {
                    coordinates: { # required
                      latitude: 1.0, # required
                      longitude: 1.0, # required
                    range_in_kilometers: 1.0,
                metrics: {
                  "__string" => {
                    comparison_operator: "__string", # required
                    value: 1.0, # required
                user_attributes: {
                  "__string" => {
                    attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
                    values: ["__string"], # required
            next_activity: "__string",
        default_activity: "__string",
        evaluation_wait_time: {
          wait_for: "__string",
          wait_until: "__string",
      push: {
        message_config: {
          time_to_live: "__string",
        next_activity: "__string",
        template_name: "__string",
        template_version: "__string",
      random_split: {
        branches: [
            next_activity: "__string",
            percentage: 1,
      sms: {
        message_config: {
          message_type: "TRANSACTIONAL", # accepts TRANSACTIONAL, PROMOTIONAL
          sender_id: "__string",
        next_activity: "__string",
        template_name: "__string",
        template_version: "__string",
      wait: {
        next_activity: "__string",
        wait_time: {
          wait_for: "__string",
          wait_until: "__string",
  creation_date: "__string",
  last_modified_date: "__string",
  limits: {
    daily_cap: 1,
    endpoint_reentry_cap: 1,
    messages_per_second: 1,
  local_time: false,
  name: "__string", # required
  quiet_time: {
    end: "__string",
    start: "__string",
  refresh_frequency: "__string",
  schedule: {
    timezone: "__string",
  start_activity: "__string",
  start_condition: {
    description: "__string",
    event_start_condition: {
      event_filter: {
        dimensions: { # required
          attributes: {
            "__string" => {
              attribute_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
              values: ["__string"], # required
          event_type: {
            dimension_type: "INCLUSIVE", # accepts INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE
            values: ["__string"], # required
          metrics: {
            "__string" => {
              comparison_operator: "__string", # required
              value: 1.0, # required
        filter_type: "SYSTEM", # required, accepts SYSTEM, ENDPOINT
      segment_id: "__string",
    segment_start_condition: {
      segment_id: "__string", # required

Specifies the configuration and other settings for a journey.

Returned by:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A map that contains a set of Activity objects, one object for each activity in the journey. For each Activity object, the key is the unique identifier (string) for an activity and the value is the settings for the activity. An activity identifier can contain a maximum of 100 characters. The characters must be alphanumeric characters.


  • (Hash<String,Types::Activity>)

    A map that contains a set of Activity objects, one object for each activity in the journey.


The date, in ISO 8601 format, when the journey was created.


  • (String)

    The date, in ISO 8601 format, when the journey was created.


The date, in ISO 8601 format, when the journey was last modified.


  • (String)

    The date, in ISO 8601 format, when the journey was last modified.


The messaging and entry limits for the journey.



Specifies whether the journey\'s scheduled start and end times use each participant\'s local time. To base the schedule on each participant\'s local time, set this value to true.


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies whether the journey\'s scheduled start and end times use each participant\'s local time.


The name of the journey. A journey name can contain a maximum of 150 characters. The characters can be alphanumeric characters or symbols, such as underscores (_) or hyphens (-). A journey name can\'t contain any spaces.


  • (String)

    The name of the journey.


The quiet time settings for the journey. Quiet time is a specific time range when a journey doesn\'t send messages to participants, if all the following conditions are met:

  • The EndpointDemographic.Timezone property of the endpoint for the participant is set to a valid value.

  • The current time in the participant\'s time zone is later than or equal to the time specified by the QuietTime.Start property for the journey.

  • The current time in the participant\'s time zone is earlier than or equal to the time specified by the QuietTime.End property for the journey.

If any of the preceding conditions isn\'t met, the participant will receive messages from the journey, even if quiet time is enabled.



The frequency with which Amazon Pinpoint evaluates segment and event data for the journey, as a duration in ISO 8601 format.


  • (String)

    The frequency with which Amazon Pinpoint evaluates segment and event data for the journey, as a duration in ISO 8601 format.


The schedule settings for the journey.



The unique identifier for the first activity in the journey. The identifier for this activity can contain a maximum of 128 characters. The characters must be alphanumeric characters.


  • (String)

    The unique identifier for the first activity in the journey.


The segment that defines which users are participants in the journey.



The status of the journey. Valid values are:

  • DRAFT - Saves the journey and doesn\'t publish it.

  • ACTIVE - Saves and publishes the journey. Depending on the journey\'s schedule, the journey starts running immediately or at the scheduled start time. If a journey\'s status is ACTIVE, you can\'t add, change, or remove activities from it.

The CANCELLED, COMPLETED, and CLOSED values are not supported in requests to create or update a journey. To cancel a journey, use the

Journey State resource.

Possible values:



  • (String)

    The status of the journey.