You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Route53::Types::ListResourceRecordSetsRequest

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When passing ListResourceRecordSetsRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  hosted_zone_id: "ResourceId", # required
  start_record_name: "DNSName",
  start_record_type: "SOA", # accepts SOA, A, TXT, NS, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, SRV, SPF, AAAA, CAA
  start_record_identifier: "ResourceRecordSetIdentifier",
  max_items: 1,

A request for the resource record sets that are associated with a specified hosted zone.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to list.


  • (String)

    The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to list.


(Optional) The maximum number of resource records sets to include in the response body for this request. If the response includes more than maxitems resource record sets, the value of the IsTruncated element in the response is true, and the values of the NextRecordName and NextRecordType elements in the response identify the first resource record set in the next group of maxitems resource record sets.


  • (Integer)

    (Optional) The maximum number of resource records sets to include in the response body for this request.


Resource record sets that have a routing policy other than simple: If results were truncated for a given DNS name and type, specify the value of NextRecordIdentifier from the previous response to get the next resource record set that has the current DNS name and type.


  • (String)

    Resource record sets that have a routing policy other than simple: If results were truncated for a given DNS name and type, specify the value of NextRecordIdentifier from the previous response to get the next resource record set that has the current DNS name and type.


The first name in the lexicographic ordering of resource record sets that you want to list. If the specified record name doesn\'t exist, the results begin with the first resource record set that has a name greater than the value of name.


  • (String)

    The first name in the lexicographic ordering of resource record sets that you want to list.


The type of resource record set to begin the record listing from.

Valid values for basic resource record sets: A | AAAA | CAA | CNAME | MX | NAPTR | NS | PTR | SOA | SPF | SRV | TXT

Values for weighted, latency, geolocation, and failover resource record sets: A | AAAA | CAA | CNAME | MX | NAPTR | PTR | SPF | SRV | TXT

Values for alias resource record sets:

  • API Gateway custom regional API or edge-optimized API: A

  • CloudFront distribution: A or AAAA

  • Elastic Beanstalk environment that has a regionalized subdomain: A

  • Elastic Load Balancing load balancer: A | AAAA

  • S3 bucket: A

  • VPC interface VPC endpoint: A

  • Another resource record set in this hosted zone: The type of the resource record set that the alias references.

Constraint: Specifying type without specifying name returns an InvalidInput error.

Possible values:

  • SOA
  • A
  • TXT
  • NS
  • MX
  • PTR
  • SRV
  • SPF
  • AAAA
  • CAA


  • (String)

    The type of resource record set to begin the record listing from.