You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::S3Control::Types::GetAccessPointResult

  • Object
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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The name of the bucket associated with the specified access point.


  • (String)

    The name of the bucket associated with the specified access point.


The date and time when the specified access point was created.


  • (Time)

    The date and time when the specified access point was created.


The name of the specified access point.


  • (String)

    The name of the specified access point.


Indicates whether this access point allows access from the public internet. If VpcConfiguration is specified for this access point, then NetworkOrigin is VPC, and the access point doesn\'t allow access from the public internet. Otherwise, NetworkOrigin is Internet, and the access point allows access from the public internet, subject to the access point and bucket access policies.

This will always be true for an Amazon S3 on Outposts access point

Possible values:

  • Internet
  • VPC


  • (String)

    Indicates whether this access point allows access from the public internet.


The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 account. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see The Meaning of "Public" in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

This is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.



Contains the virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the specified access point.


  • (Types::VpcConfiguration)

    Contains the virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration for the specified access point.