You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::SageMaker::Types::CreateLabelingJobRequest

  • Object
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When passing CreateLabelingJobRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  labeling_job_name: "LabelingJobName", # required
  label_attribute_name: "LabelAttributeName", # required
  input_config: { # required
    data_source: { # required
      s3_data_source: {
        manifest_s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required
      sns_data_source: {
        sns_topic_arn: "SnsTopicArn", # required
    data_attributes: {
      content_classifiers: ["FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation"], # accepts FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation, FreeOfAdultContent
  output_config: { # required
    s3_output_path: "S3Uri", # required
    kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
    sns_topic_arn: "SnsTopicArn",
  role_arn: "RoleArn", # required
  label_category_config_s3_uri: "S3Uri",
  stopping_conditions: {
    max_human_labeled_object_count: 1,
    max_percentage_of_input_dataset_labeled: 1,
  labeling_job_algorithms_config: {
    labeling_job_algorithm_specification_arn: "LabelingJobAlgorithmSpecificationArn", # required
    initial_active_learning_model_arn: "ModelArn",
    labeling_job_resource_config: {
      volume_kms_key_id: "KmsKeyId",
  human_task_config: { # required
    workteam_arn: "WorkteamArn", # required
    ui_config: { # required
      ui_template_s3_uri: "S3Uri",
      human_task_ui_arn: "HumanTaskUiArn",
    pre_human_task_lambda_arn: "LambdaFunctionArn", # required
    task_keywords: ["TaskKeyword"],
    task_title: "TaskTitle", # required
    task_description: "TaskDescription", # required
    number_of_human_workers_per_data_object: 1, # required
    task_time_limit_in_seconds: 1, # required
    task_availability_lifetime_in_seconds: 1,
    max_concurrent_task_count: 1,
    annotation_consolidation_config: { # required
      annotation_consolidation_lambda_arn: "LambdaFunctionArn", # required
    public_workforce_task_price: {
      amount_in_usd: {
        dollars: 1,
        cents: 1,
        tenth_fractions_of_a_cent: 1,
  tags: [
      key: "TagKey", # required
      value: "TagValue", # required

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Configures the labeling task and how it is presented to workers; including, but not limited to price, keywords, and batch size (task count).


  • (Types::HumanTaskConfig)

    Configures the labeling task and how it is presented to workers; including, but not limited to price, keywords, and batch size (task count).


Input data for the labeling job, such as the Amazon S3 location of the data objects and the location of the manifest file that describes the data objects.


  • (Types::LabelingJobInputConfig)

    Input data for the labeling job, such as the Amazon S3 location of the data objects and the location of the manifest file that describes the data objects.


The attribute name to use for the label in the output manifest file. This is the key for the key/value pair formed with the label that a worker assigns to the object. The name can\'t end with \"-metadata\". If you are running a semantic segmentation labeling job, the attribute name must end with \"-ref\". If you are running any other kind of labeling job, the attribute name must not end with \"-ref\".


  • (String)

    The attribute name to use for the label in the output manifest file.


The S3 URI of the file that defines the categories used to label the data objects.

For 3D point cloud task types, see Create a Labeling Category Configuration File for 3D Point Cloud Labeling Jobs.

For all other built-in task types and custom tasks, your label category configuration file must be a JSON file in the following format. Identify the labels you want to use by replacing label_1, label_2,...,label_n with your label categories.


"document-version": "2018-11-28"

"labels": [


"label": "label_1"



"label": "label_2"




"label": "label_n"





  • (String)

    The S3 URI of the file that defines the categories used to label the data objects.


Configures the information required to perform automated data labeling.



The name of the labeling job. This name is used to identify the job in a list of labeling jobs.


  • (String)

    The name of the labeling job.


The location of the output data and the AWS Key Management Service key ID for the key used to encrypt the output data, if any.


  • (Types::LabelingJobOutputConfig)

    The location of the output data and the AWS Key Management Service key ID for the key used to encrypt the output data, if any.


The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) that Amazon SageMaker assumes to perform tasks on your behalf during data labeling. You must grant this role the necessary permissions so that Amazon SageMaker can successfully complete data labeling.


  • (String)

    The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) that Amazon SageMaker assumes to perform tasks on your behalf during data labeling.


A set of conditions for stopping the labeling job. If any of the conditions are met, the job is automatically stopped. You can use these conditions to control the cost of data labeling.



An array of key/value pairs. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS Billing and Cost Management User Guide.


  • (Array<Types::Tag>)

    An array of key/value pairs.