Appendix B: AWS incident response resources - AWS Security Incident Response User Guide

Appendix B: AWS incident response resources

AWS publishes resources to assist customers with developing incident response capabilities. Most example code and procedures can be found at the AWS external GitHub public repository. Following are some resources that provide examples of how to perform incident response.

Playbook resources

Forensic resources

  • Automated Incident Response and Forensics Framework – This framework and solution provides a standard digital forensic process, consisting of the following phases: containment, acquisition, examination, and analysis. It leverages AWS Λ functions to trigger the incident response process in an automated repeatable way. It provides segregation of accounts to operate the automation steps, store artifacts and create forensic environments.

  • Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2 – This implementation guide provides a self-service solution to capture and examine data from EC2 instances and attached volumes for forensic analysis in the event of a potential security issue being detected. There is an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy the solution.

  • How to automate forensic disk collection in AWS – This AWS blog details how to set up an automation workflow to capture the disk evidence for analysis in order to determine the scope and the impact of potential security incidents. There is also an AWS CloudFormation template included to deploy the solution.