Select and implement querying mechanisms for logs
In AWS, the main services you can use to query logs are
CloudWatch Logs Insights
for data stored in CloudWatch log groups, and
Amazon Athena
The process for selecting a log querying tool should consider the people, process, and technology aspects of your security operations. Select a tool that fulfills operational, business, and security requirements, and is both accessible and maintainable in the long term. Keep in mind that log querying tools work optimally when the number of logs to be scanned is kept within the tool’s limits. It is not uncommon for customers to have multiple querying tools because of cost or technical constraints. For example, customers might use a third-party SIEM to perform queries for the last 90 days of data, and use Athena to perform queries beyond 90 days because of the log ingestion cost of a SIEM. No matter the implementation, verify that your approach minimizes the number of tools required to maximize operational efficiency, especially during a security event investigation.