AwsEc2NetworkAclEntry - AWS Security Hub


A rule for the network ACL. Each rule allows or denies access based on the IP address, traffic direction, port, and protocol.



The IPV4 network range for which to deny or allow access.

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: No


Whether the rule is an egress rule. An egress rule is a rule that applies to traffic that leaves the subnet.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type and code for which to deny or allow access.

Type: IcmpTypeCode object

Required: No


The IPV6 network range for which to deny or allow access.

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: No


For TCP or UDP protocols, the range of ports that the rule applies to.

Type: PortRangeFromTo object

Required: No


The protocol that the rule applies to. To deny or allow access to all protocols, use the value -1.

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: No


Whether the rule is used to allow access or deny access.

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: No


The rule number. The rules are processed in order by their number.

Type: Integer

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: