AwsRoute53 - AWS Security Hub


The following are examples of the AWS Security Finding Format for AwsRoute53 resources.


The AwsRoute53HostedZone object provides information about an Amazon RouteĀ 53 hosted zone, including the four name servers assigned to the hosted zone. A hosted zone represents a collection of records that can be managed together, belonging to a single parent domain name.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsRoute53HostedZone object. To view descriptions of AwsRoute53HostedZone attributes, see AwsRoute53HostedZoneDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsRoute53HostedZone": { "HostedZone": { "Id": "Z06419652JEMGO9TA2XKL", "Name": "asff.testing", "Config": { "Comment": "This is an example comment." } }, "NameServers": [ "", "", "", "" ], "QueryLoggingConfig": { "CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn": { "CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:123456789012:log-group:asfftesting:*", "Id": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "HostedZoneId": "Z00932193AF5H180PPNZD" } }, "Vpcs": [ { "Id": "vpc-05d7c6e36bc03ea76", "Region": "us-east-1" } ] }