Creating and associating configuration policies - AWS Security Hub

Creating and associating configuration policies

The delegated AWS Security Hub administrator account can create configuration policies that specify how Security Hub, standards, and controls are configured in specified accounts and organizational units (OUs). A configuration policy takes effect only after the delegated administrator associates it with at least one account or organizational unit (OUs), or the root. The delegated administrator can also associate a self-managed configuration with accounts, OUs, or the root.

If this is your first time creating a configuration policy, we recommend first reviewing How configuration policies work in Security Hub.

Choose your preferred access method, and follow the steps to create and associate a configuration policy or self-managed configuration. When using the Security Hub console, you can associate a configuration with multiple accounts or OUs at the same time. When using the Security Hub API or AWS CLI, you can associate a configuration with only one account or OU in each request.


If you use central configuration, Security Hub automatically disables controls that involve global resources in all Regions except the home Region. Other controls that you choose to enable though a configuration policy are enabled in all Regions where they are available. To limit findings for these controls to just one Region, you can update your AWS Config recorder settings and turn off global resource recording in all Regions except the home Region. When you use central configuration, you lack coverage for a control that isn't available in the home Region or any of the linked Regions. For a list of controls that involve global resources, see Controls that use global resources.

Security Hub console
To create and associate configuration policies
  1. Open the AWS Security Hub console at

    Sign in using the credentials of the delegated Security Hub administrator account in the home Region.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Configuration and the Policies tab. Then, choose Create policy.

  3. On the Configure organization page, if this is your first time creating an configuration policy, you see three options under Configuration type. If you've already created at least one configuration policy, you only see the Custom policy option.

    • Choose Use the AWS recommended Security Hub configuration across my entire organization to use our recommended policy. The recommended policy enables Security Hub in all organization accounts, enables the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices (FSBP) standard, and enables all new and existing FSBP controls. The controls use default parameter values.

    • Choose I'm not ready to configure yet to create a configuration policy later.

    • Choose Custom policy to create a custom configuration policy. Specify whether to enable or disable Security Hub, which standards to enable, and which controls to enable across those standards. Optionally, specify custom parameter values for one or more enabled controls that support custom parameters.

  4. In the Accounts section, choose which target accounts, OUs, or the root that you want your configuration policy to apply to.

    • Choose All accounts if you want to apply the configuration policy to the root. This includes all accounts and OUs in the organization that don't have another policy applied to them or inherited.

    • Choose Specific accounts if you want to apply the configuration policy to specific accounts or OUs. Enter the account IDs, or select the accounts and OUs from the organization structure. You can apply the policy to a maximum of 15 targets (accounts, OUs, or root) when you create it. To specify a larger number, edit your policy after creation, and apply it to additional targets.

    • Choose The delegated administrator only to apply the configuration policy to the current delegated administrator account.

  5. Choose Next.

  6. On the Review and apply page, review your configuration policy details. Then, choose Create policy and apply. In your home Region and linked Regions, this action overrides the existing configuration settings of accounts that are associated with this configuration policy. Accounts may be associated with the configuration policy through application, or inheritance from a parent node. Child accounts and OUs of the applied targets will automatically inherit this configuration policy unless they are specifically excluded, self-managed, or use a different configuration policy.

Security Hub API
To create and associate configuration policies
  1. Invoke the CreateConfigurationPolicy API from the Security Hub delegated administrator account in the home Region.

  2. For Name, provide a unique name for the configuration policy. Optionally, for Description, provide a description for the configuration policy.

  3. For the ServiceEnabled field, specify if you want Security Hub to be enabled or disabled in this configuration policy.

  4. For the EnabledStandardIdentifiers field, specify which Security Hub standards you want to enable in this configuration policy.

  5. For the SecurityControlsConfiguration object, specify which controls you want to enable or disable in this configuration policy. Choosing EnabledSecurityControlIdentifiers means that the specified controls are enabled. Other controls that are part of your enabled standards (including newly released controls) are disabled. Choosing DisabledSecurityControlIdentifiers means that the specified controls are disabled. Other controls that are part of your enabled standards (including newly released controls) are enabled.

  6. Optionally, for the SecurityControlCustomParameters field, specify enabled controls for which you want to customize parameters. Provide CUSTOM for the ValueType field and the custom parameter value for the Value field. The value must be the correct data type and within valid ranges specified by Security Hub. Only select controls support custom parameter values. For more information, see Understanding control parameters in Security Hub.

  7. To apply your configuration policy to accounts or OUs, invoke the StartConfigurationPolicyAssociation API from the Security Hub delegated administrator account in the home Region.

  8. For the ConfigurationPolicyIdentifier field, provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or universally unique identifier (UUID) of the policy. The ARN and UUID are returned by the CreateConfigurationPolicy API. For a self-managed configuration, the ConfigurationPolicyIdentifier field is equal to SELF_MANAGED_SECURITY_HUB.

  9. For the Target field, provide the OU, account, or the root ID to which you want this configuration policy to apply. You can only provide one target in each API request. Child accounts and OUs of the selected target will automatically inherit this configuration policy unless they are self-managed or use a different configuration policy.

Example API request to create a configuration policy:

{ "Name": "SampleConfigurationPolicy", "Description": "Configuration policy for production accounts", "ConfigurationPolicy": { "SecurityHub": { "ServiceEnabled": true, "EnabledStandardIdentifiers": [ "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::standards/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0", "arn:aws:securityhub:::ruleset/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0" ], "SecurityControlsConfiguration": { "DisabledSecurityControlIdentifiers": [ "CloudTrail.2" ], "SecurityControlCustomParameters": [ { "SecurityControlId": "ACM.1", "Parameters": { "daysToExpiration": { "ValueType": "CUSTOM", "Value": { "Integer": 15 } } } } ] } } } }

Example API request to associate a configuration policy:

{ "ConfigurationPolicyIdentifier": "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:configuration-policy/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "Target": {"OrganizationalUnitId": "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111"} }
To create and associate configuration policies
  1. Run the create-configuration-policy command from the Security Hub delegated administrator account in the home Region.

  2. For name, provide a unique name for the configuration policy. Optionally, for description, provide a description for the configuration policy.

  3. For the ServiceEnabled field, specify if you want Security Hub to be enabled or disabled in this configuration policy.

  4. For the EnabledStandardIdentifiers field, specify which Security Hub standards you want to enable in this configuration policy.

  5. For the SecurityControlsConfiguration field, specify which controls you want to enable or disable in this configuration policy. Choosing EnabledSecurityControlIdentifiers means that the specified controls are enabled. Other controls that are part of your enabled standards (including newly released controls) are disabled. Choosing DisabledSecurityControlIdentifiers means that the specified controls are disabled. Other controls that apply to your enabled standards (including newly released controls) are enabled.

  6. Optionally, for the SecurityControlCustomParameters field, specify enabled controls for which you want to customize parameters. Provide CUSTOM for the ValueType field and the custom parameter value for the Value field. The value must be the correct data type and within valid ranges specified by Security Hub. Only select controls support custom parameter values. For more information, see Understanding control parameters in Security Hub.

  7. To apply your configuration policy to accounts or OUs, run the start-configuration-policy-association command from the Security Hub delegated administrator account in the home Region.

  8. For the configuration-policy-identifier field, provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or ID of the configuration policy. This ARN and ID are returned by the create-configuration-policy command.

  9. For the target field, provide the OU, account, or the root ID to which you want this configuration policy to apply. You can only provide one target each time you run the command. Children of the selected target will automatically inherit this configuration policy unless they are self-managed or use a different configuration policy.

Example command to create a configuration policy:

aws securityhub --region us-east-1 create-configuration-policy \ --name "SampleConfigurationPolicy" \ --description "Configuration policy for production accounts" \ --configuration-policy '{"SecurityHub": {"ServiceEnabled": true, "EnabledStandardIdentifiers": ["arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1::standards/aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0","arn:aws:securityhub:::ruleset/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0"],"SecurityControlsConfiguration":{"DisabledSecurityControlIdentifiers": ["CloudTrail.2"], "SecurityControlCustomParameters": [{"SecurityControlId": "ACM.1", "Parameters": {"daysToExpiration": {"ValueType": "CUSTOM", "Value": {"Integer": 15}}}}]}}}'

Example command to associate a configuration policy:

aws securityhub --region us-east-1 start-configuration-policy-association \ --configuration-policy-identifier "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:configuration-policy/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111" \ --target '{"OrganizationalUnitId": "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111"}'

The StartConfigurationPolicyAssociation API returns a field called AssociationStatus. This field tells you whether a policy association is pending or in a state of success or failure. It can take up to 24 hours for the status to change from PENDING to SUCCESS or FAILURE. For more information about association status, see Reviewing the association status of a configuration policy.