AWS Service Catalog Launch Constraints - AWS Service Catalog

AWS Service Catalog Launch Constraints

A launch constraint specifies the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that AWS Service Catalog assumes when an end user launches, updates, or terminates a product. An IAM role is a collection of permissions that a user or AWS service can assume temporarily to use AWS services. For an introductory example, see:

Launch constraints apply to products in the portfolio (product-portfolio association). Launch constraints do not apply at the portfolio level or to a product across all portfolios. To associate a launch constraint with all products in a portfolio, you must apply the launch constraint to each product individually.

Without a launch constraint, end users must launch and manage products using their own IAM credentials. To do so, they must have permissions for AWS CloudFormation, AWS services that the products use, and AWS Service Catalog. By using a launch role, you can instead limit the end users' permissions to the minimum they require for that product. For more information about end user permissions, see Identity and Access Management in AWS Service Catalog.

To create and assign IAM roles, you must have the following IAM administrative permissions:

  • iam:CreateRole

  • iam:PutRolePolicy

  • iam:PassRole

  • iam:Get*

  • iam:List*

Configuring a Launch Role

The IAM role that you assign to a product as a launch constraint must have permissions to use the following:

For Cloudformation products

  • The arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationFullAccess AWS CloudFormation managed policy

  • Services in the AWS CloudFormation template for the product

  • Read access to the AWS CloudFormation template in a service-owned Amazon S3 bucket.

For Terraform products

  • Services in the Amazon S3 template for the product

  • Read access to the Amazon S3 template in a service-owned Amazon S3 bucket.

  • resource-groups:Tagfor tagging in an Amazon EC2 instance (assumed by the Terraform provisioning engine when performing provisioning operations)

  • resource-groups:CreateGroup for resource group tagging (assumed by AWS Service Catalog to create resource groups and assign tags)

The IAM role's trust policy must allow AWS Service Catalog to assume the role. In the procedure below, the trust policy will be set automatically when you select AWS Service Catalog as the role type. If you are not using the console, see the section Creating trust policies for AWS services that assume roles in How to use trust policies with IAM roles.


The servicecatalog:ProvisionProduct, servicecatalog:TerminateProvisionedProduct, and servicecatalog:UpdateProvisionedProduct permissions cannot be assigned in a launch role. You must use IAM roles, as shown in the inline policy steps in the section Grant Permissions to AWS Service Catalog End Users.


To view provisioned Cloudformation products and resources in the AWS Service Catalog console, end users need AWS CloudFormation read access. Viewing provisioned products and resources in the console does not use the launch role.

To create a launch role
  1. Open the IAM console at

    Terraform products require additional launch role configurations. For more information, review Step 5: Create launch roles in Getting Started with a Terraform Open Source product.

  2. Choose Roles.

  3. Choose Create New Role.

  4. Enter a role name and choose Next Step.

  5. Under AWS Service Roles next to AWS Service Catalog, choose Select.

  6. On the Attach Policy page, Choose Next Step.

  7. To create the role, choose Create Role.

To attach a policy to the new role
  1. Choose the role that you created to view the role details page.

  2. Choose the Permissions tab, and expand the Inline Policies section. Then, choose click here.

  3. Choose Custom Policy, and then choose Select.

  4. Enter a name for the policy, and then paste the following into the Policy Document editor:

    "Statement":[ { "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource":"*", "Condition":{ "StringEquals":{ "s3:ExistingObjectTag/servicecatalog:provisioning":"true" } } ] }

    When you configure a launch role for a launch constraint, you must use this string: "s3:ExistingObjectTag/servicecatalog:provisioning":"true".

  5. Add a line to the policy for each additional service the product uses. For example, to add permission for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), enter a comma at the end of the last line in the Action list, and then add the following line:

  6. Choose Apply Policy.

Applying a Launch Constraint

After you configure the launch role, assign the role to the product as a launch constraint. This action tells AWS Service Catalog to assume the role when an end user launches the product.

To assign the role to a product
  1. Open the Service Catalog console at

  2. Choose the portfolio that contains the product.

  3. Choose the Constraints tab and choose Create constraint.

  4. Choose the product from Product and choose Launch under Constraint type. Choose Continue.

  5. In the Launch constraint section, you can select an IAM role from your account and enter an IAM role ARN, or enter the role name.

    If you specify the role name and if an account uses the launch constraint, the account uses that name for the IAM role. This approach allows launch-role constraints to be account-agnostic so you can create fewer resources per shared account.


    The given role name must exist in the account that created the launch constraint and the account of the user who launches a product with this launch constraint.

  6. After specifying the IAM role, choose Create.

Adding Confused Deputy to Launch Constraint

AWS Service Catalog supports Confused Deputy protection for the APIs that run with an Assume Role request. When you add a launch constraint, you can restrict the launch role access by using sourceAccount and sourceArn conditions in the launch role trust policy. It ensures that the launch role is called by a trusted source.

In the following example, the AWS Service Catalog end-user belongs to account 111111111111. When the AWS Service Catalog administrator creates a LaunchConstraint for a product, the end-user can specify the following conditions in the launch role trust policy to restrict the assume role to account 111111111111.

"Condition":{ "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":"arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-east-1:111111111111:*" }, "StringEquals":{ "aws:SourceAccount":"111111111111" } }

A user who provisions a product with the LaunchConstraint must have the same AccountId (111111111111). If not, the operation fails with an AccessDenied error, preventing launch role misuse.

The following AWS Service Catalog APIs are secured for Confused Deputy protection:

  • LaunchConstraint

  • ProvisionProduct

  • UpdateProvisionedProduct

  • TerminateProvisionedProduct

  • ExecuteProvisionedProductServiceAction

  • CreateProvisionedProductPlan

  • ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan

The sourceArn protection for AWS Service Catalog only supports templated ARNs, such as "arn:<aws-partition>:servicecatalog:<region>:<accountId>:" It does not support specific resource ARNs.

Verifying the Launch Constraint

To verify AWS Service Catalog uses the role to launch the product and successfully provisions the product, launch the product from the AWS Service Catalog console. To test a constraint prior to releasing it to users, create a test portfolio that contains the same products and test the constraints with that portfolio.

To launch the product
  1. In the menu for the AWS Service Catalog console, choose Service Catalog, End user.

  2. Choose the product to open the Product details page. In the Launch options table, verify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role appears.

  3. Choose Launch product.

  4. Proceed through the launch steps, filling in any required information.

  5. Verify that the product starts successfully.