Set up an Amazon Pinpoint event destination for event publishing - Amazon Simple Email Service

Set up an Amazon Pinpoint event destination for event publishing

An Amazon Pinpoint event destination notifies you about the email sending events you specify in a configuration set. Because an Amazon Pinpoint event destination can only be set up in a configuration set, you have to create a configuration set before you add the event destination to the configuration set.

The procedure in this section shows how to add Amazon Pinpoint event destination details to a configuration set and assumes you have completed steps 1 through 6 in Creating an event destination.

You can also use the UpdateConfigurationSetEventDestination operation in the Amazon SES API V2 to create and modify event destinations.

There are additional charges for the types of channels you have configured in your Amazon Pinpoint projects. For more information, see Amazon Pinpoint Pricing.

To add Amazon Pinpoint event destination details to a configuration set using the console
  1. These are the detailed instructions for selecting Amazon Pinpoint as your event destination type in Step 7 and assumes you have completed all the previous steps in Creating an event destination.


    Amazon Pinpoint does not support event types Delivery delays or Subscriptions.

    After selecting the Amazon Pinpoint Destination type, entering a destination Name, and enabling Event publishing, the Amazon Pinpoint project details pane is displayed—its fields are addressed in the following steps.

  2. For Project, choose an existing Amazon Pinpoint project, or choose Create a new project in Amazon Pinpoint to create a new one.

    For information about creating a project, see Create a project in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.

  3. Choose Next.

  4. On the review screen, if you're satisfied with how you defined your event destination, choose Add destination. This will open the event destination's summary page where a success banner will confirm if your event destination was created or modified successfully.