Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard - Amazon Simple Email Service

Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard

The dashboard offers high level views of your account’s deliverability program, such as easy to read cards and time series graphs that show deliverability and reputation through open/click and delivery rates and bounce/complaint stats. The dashboard also offers a more detailed view, enabling you to drill down to more detailed specific table data when there’s an issue that's tied to a particular ISP, sending identity, or configuration set that's associated with an email campaign.

Being able to see things from a high overall level with the ability to also view the specific details allows you to focus on the problematic areas of your deliverability rather than needing to review your email program as a whole. This level of insight also gives you the ability to catch trends and possible problems before they turn into larger deliverability problems, like deferrals or blocks.

An account overview in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard showing the cards and time series graphs.

An account overview in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard showing the cards and time series graphs.

The Messages table selected in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard showing sent messages matching the date range and filter criteria.

The Messages table selected in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard showing sent messages matching the date range and filter criteria.

Granular data provided by the dashboard can help you to improve your sender reputation and calculate ideal times and dates for better engagement and conversions for your email program with the ability to drill-down to specific data sets:

  • ISP data – Valuable when you have a deliverability issue to a specific ISP or mailbox provider—instead of trying to adjust your entire account, which may otherwise be doing well, you can focus on the problematic endpoint and align with its best practices to improve sender reputation to that ISP and restore good inbox deliverability to reach your recipients. It's also important to understand your ISP distribution—as you may send more heavily to one ISP or mailbox provider than to others. You need to ensure that traffic is always being delivered and engaged by the end recipients to have a positive impact your email conversion.

  • Sending identity & configuration set data – Useful in helping you to identify sending identities and configuration sets that are contributing to your overall account deliverability issue. You can focus on those specifically, adjust your configurations, and possibly reduce sending with a particular identity until the issue is resolved. For example, a sending identity accidentally sent to a suppression list, resulting in all traffic going through that identity. That identity is associated with a configuration set, causing deliverability issues. It’s valuable in such cases to be able to identify the sending identity or configuration set so that you can focus on rectifying that problem specifically, rather than combing through your entire account to try to identify the root cause of the deliverability issue.

Drill-down data displayed in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard for the selected sending identity,—cards display deliverability and reputation metrics. The table displays all of the ISPs that the sending identity sent mail to with metric rates for each ISP within the date range entered.

Drill-down data displayed in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard for the selected sending identity,—cards display deliverability and reputation metrics. The table displays all of the ISPs that the sending identity sent mail to with metric rates for each ISP within the date range entered.

Using the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard in the Amazon SES console

The following procedure shows you how to use the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard in the Amazon SES console to view your overall deliverability and reputation statistics and to drill-down into problematic areas.

To use the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard to view high level and more detailed data of your account’s deliverability metrics
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Dashboard under Virtual Deliverability Manager.


    Dashboard will not be visible if you haven't enabled Virtual Deliverability Manager for your account. For more information, see Getting started with Virtual Deliverability Manager.

  3. In the Full account overview panel, choose a date range to be used for all metrics in the cards, time series graphs, and drill-down tables.

    1. In the Date range field, choose Relative range (default) or Absolute range.

      • Relative range – Select the radio button that corresponds with the number of days desired.

        • Custom range – Enter a range in either days (up to 60), weeks (up to 8), or months (up to 2).

      • Absolute range – The first date you choose will be the Start date, the second date will be the End date, not to exceed 60 days total. To specify a single day, choose it for both the Start and End date.


      The following applies to all date ranges in the dashboard:

      • All dates & times are UTC.

      • For Relative range dates, the last day ends on its UTC midnight timestamp. For example, if you choose Last 7 days, the seventh day would be yesterday, ending at midnight.

      • If the date range is greater than 30 days, the % Difference column in the Account statistics table and the change percentages in the cards will not have a value (indicated by dash -).

  4. The cards, time series graphs, and all of the drill-down tables, Accounts statistics, ISP, Sending identities, and Configuration sets, display metric totals calculated from the date range entered, and use the metric math described in How dashboard metrics are calculated.

    • To create a local .csv file of the data you’re currently viewing in either the ISP, Sending identities, or Configuration sets table, select its Export button.

  5. Time series graphs charting Volume and Rate progression for the date range you entered are shown in the Metrics pane. Hovering over a date interval in the graphs will show the exact volume count or rate percentage based on a daily aggregation. You can filter the metrics you want to see using the Select metrics dropdown.

  6. Choose the Accounts tab to display the Accounts statistics table.

    • This table gives an overview of your deliverability and reputation metrics, showing the total Volume, % Rate, and % Difference for Sent, Delivered, Complaints, Transient & Permanent bounces, Opens & Clicks as calculated from the date range entered.


      If the date range is greater than 30 days, the % Difference column will not have a value (indicated by dash -).

  7. Choose the ISP tab to display the ISP table.

    • This table displays metrics for Send volume, Delivered, Transient & Permanent bounces, Complaints, Opens & Clicks for each ISP you’ve sent to as calculated from the date range entered.

    • To filter specific ISPs, inside the Compare ISPs search box, choose the corresponding check box for each ISP to include.

    • To create a local .csv file of the data you’re currently viewing in this table, select its Export button.

  8. Choose the Sending identities tab to display the Sending identities table.

    • This table displays metrics for Send volume, Delivered, Transient & Permanent bounces, Complaints, Opens & Clicks for each sending identity you’ve used as calculated from the date range entered.

    • To filter specific sending identities, inside the Compare identities search box, choose the corresponding check box for each identity to include.

    • To drill-down on a specific sending identity, choose its name in the Sending identity column.

      • Cards will appear displaying Delivery rate, Complaints, Transient & Permanent bounces, Open & Click rates for the selected sending identity as calculated from the date range entered.

      • The time series graphs will refresh displaying all the metrics for the selected sending identity as calculated from the date range entered.

      • An ISP table will be displayed listing all the ISPs the sending identity sent mail to with metrics given for each ISP as calculated from the date range entered.

    • To create a local .csv file of the data you’re currently viewing in this table, select its Export button.

  9. Choose the Configuration sets tab to display the Configuration sets table.

    • This table displays metrics for Send volume, Delivered, Transient & Permanent bounces, Complaints, Opens & Clicks for each configuration set that’s been used to send mail as calculated from the date range entered.

    • To filter specific configuration sets, inside the Compare configuration sets search box, choose the corresponding check box for each configuration set to include.

    • To drill down on a specific configuration set, choose its name in the Configuration set column.

      • Cards will appear displaying Delivery rate, Complaints, Transient & Permanent bounces, Open & Click rates for the selected configuration set as calculated from the date range entered.

      • The time series graphs will refresh displaying all the metrics for the selected configuration set as calculated from the date range entered.

      • An ISP table will be displayed listing all the ISPs the configuration set was used to send mail to with metrics given for each ISP as calculated from the date range entered.

    • To create a local .csv file of the data you’re currently viewing in this table, select its Export button.

  10. Choose the Messages tab to display the Messages table.

    This is an interactive table that provides a way for you to search and find your sent messages. For each message, you can track its current delivery and engagement status, event history, and see the response returned by the mailbox provider. The following points cover the ways you can search for particular messages:

    • Selecting inside the date range picker, you can filter on messages you’ve sent within the last 30 days. If you don’t select a date range, your search will default to the last 7 days including the current day within your timezone.

    • In the Search messages field you can filter on Recipient, From address, Subject line, ISP, Engagement event, Delivery event, and Message ID — the following properties apply:

      • Depending on the filter type, you either enter a case sensitive text string, or select a value from a list.

      • Engagement event is limited to a single value, Subject line can have up to two values, and all other filters can have up to five values per search. Filtering by Message ID will exclude any other filters you may have selected including the date range.

      • The Message ID column is hidden by default, but can be displayed by selecting the gear icon to customize how you view the Messages table.

    • After you’ve selected your filters and date range, choose Search and the table will be populated with messages matching your search criteria. The table can load up to 100 messages. If your search returns more than 100 messages, the 100 messages in the table are a random sample of the total returned.

    • Selecting a message’s radio button followed by selecting View details will produce a Message info sidebar containing details of the message’s full event history, the most recent at top, and any responses or diagnostic codes returned by the mailbox provider.

    • To create a local .csv file of the data you’re currently viewing in this table, select its Export button.

Accessing your Virtual Deliverability Manager metric data using the AWS CLI

The following example shows you how to access your Virtual Deliverability Manager metric data using the AWS CLI. This is the same data used in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard in the console.

To access your deliverability metric data using the AWS CLI

You can use the BatchGetMetricData operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to access your deliverability metric data. You can call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following examples.

  • Access your deliverability metric data:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 batch-get-metric-data --cli-input-json file://sends.json
  • The input file looks similar to this:

    { "Queries": [ { "Id": "Retrieve-Account-Sends", "Namespace": "VDM", "Metric": "SEND", "StartDate": "2022-11-04T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2022-11-05T00:00:00" } ] }

    More information about parameter values and related data types can be found by linking from the BatchGetMetricDataQuery data type in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

Filtering and exporting your deliverability metric data using the AWS CLI

This example shows you how to use the CreateExportJob operation to filter and export your deliverability metric data to a .csv or .json file using the AWS CLI. This is the same data used in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard's ISP, Sending identities, and Configuration sets tables.

To filter and export your deliverability metric data to a .csv or .json file using the AWS CLI

You can use the CreateExportJob operation along with the MetricsDataSource data type in the Amazon SES API v2 to filter and export your metric data to a .csv or .json file. You call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following example.

  • Filter and export your deliverability metric data using an input file:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 create-export-job --cli-input-json file://metric-export-input.json
  • In this example, the input file is using MetricsDataSource parameters to filter on all the ISPs you've sent mail to, showing the rate of successful delivery within the given date range, and a .csv format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MetricsDataSource": { "Dimensions": { "ISP": ["*"] }, "Namespace": "VDM", "Metrics": [ { "Name": "DELIVERY", "Aggregation": "RATE" } ], "StartDate": "2023-06-13T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-06-20T00:00:00" } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "CSV" } }

    More information about parameter values and related data types can be found in MetricsDataSource as an object of the type ExportDataSource in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

Finding your sent messages, their delivery & engagement status, and exporting the results using the AWS CLI

These examples show you how to use the CreateExportJob operation to search and find particular messages you've sent, see their current delivery and engagement status, and export the results of your search to a .csv or .json file using the AWS CLI. This is the same data used in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard's Messages table.

To find sent messages, their delivery and engagement status, and export the results to a .csv or .json file using the AWS CLI

You can use the CreateExportJob operation along with the MessageInsightsDataSource data type in the Amazon SES API v2 to apply filters in order to find particular messages you've sent, see their delivery and engagement status, and export the results to a .csv or .json file. You call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following examples.


If your filtered search returns more than 10,000 messages, the 10,000 messages in the API's result set are a random sample of the total returned.

  • Find sent messages, see their current status, and export results using an input file:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 create-export-job --cli-input-json file://message-insights-export-input.json
  • In this example, the input file is using MessageInsightsDataSource parameters to filter on a subject equal to "Sale Ends Tonight!", and a .csv format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MessageInsightsDataSource": { "StartDate": "2023-07-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-07-10T00:00:00", "Include": { "Subject": [ "Sale Ends Tonight!" ] } } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "CSV" } }
  • In this example, the input file is using MessageInsightsDataSource parameters to filter on a subject that starts with “Hello”, sent with a FromEmailAddress containing “information” to destinations ending with “”, and a .json format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MessageInsightsDataSource": { "StartDate": "2023-07-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-07-10T00:00:00", "Include": { "Subject": [ "Hello*" ], "FromEmailAddress": [ "*information*" ], "Destination": [ "*" ] } } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "JSON" } }
  • In this example, the input file is using MessageInsightsDataSource parameters to filter on a subject that starts with “Hello”, exclude results that have "" as a FromEmailAddress, and a .csv format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MessageInsightsDataSource": { "StartDate": "2023-07-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-07-10T00:00:00", "Include": { "Subject": [ "Hello*" ] }, "Exclude": { "FromEmailAddress": [ "" ] } } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "CSV" } }
  • In this example, the input file is using MessageInsightsDataSource parameters to filter on a subject that starts with “Hello”, sent with a FromEmailAddress containing “information” to destinations ending with “”, using Gmail as the ISP, a last delivery event of “DELIVERY”, a last engagement event that’s either “OPEN” or “CLICK”, and a .json format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MessageInsightsDataSource": { "StartDate": "2023-07-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-07-10T00:00:00", "Include": { "Subject": [ "Hello*" ], "FromEmailAddress": [ "*information*" ], "Destination": [ "*" ], "Isp": [ "Gmail" ], "LastDeliveryEvent": [ "DELIVERY" ], "LastEngagementEvent": [ "OPEN", "CLICK" ] } } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "JSON" } }
  • In this example, the input file is using MessageInsightsDataSource parameters to filter on destinations ending with “”, or “”, or “”, exclude messages with a LastDeliveryEvent equal to “SEND” or “DELIVERY”, and a .csv format specified for the output file:

    { "ExportDataSource": { "MessageInsightsDataSource": { "StartDate": "2023-07-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2023-07-10T00:00:00", "Include": { "Destination": [ "*", "*", "*" ] }, "Exclude": { "LastDeliveryEvent": [ "SEND", "DELIVERY" ] } } }, "ExportDestination": { "DataFormat": "CSV" } }

    More information about parameter values and related data types can be found in MessageInsightsDataSource as an object of the type ExportDataSource in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

Managing your export jobs using the AWS CLI

These examples show you how to manage your export jobs by listing them, getting information about them, and canceling them using the AWS CLI.

To list your export jobs using the AWS CLI

You can use the ListExportJobs operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to list your export jobs. You can call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following examples.

  • List your export jobs:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 list-export-jobs --export-source-type=METRICS_DATA
    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 list-export-jobs --job-status=CREATED
    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 list-export-jobs --cli-input-json file://list-export-jobs-input.json
  • The input file looks similar to this:

    { "NextToken": "", "PageSize": 0, "ExportSourceType": "METRICS_DATA", "JobStatus": "CREATED" }

    More information about parameter values for the ListExportJobs operation can be found in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

To get information about your export job using the AWS CLI

You can use the GetExportJob operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to get information about your export job. You can call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following examples.

  • Get information about your export job:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 get-export-job --job-id=<JobId>
    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 get-export-job --cli-input-json file://get-export-job-input.json
  • The input file looks similar to this:

    { "JobId": "e2220d6b-dce5-45f2-bf60-3287a465b732" }

    More information about parameter values for the GetExportJob operation can be found in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

To cancel your export job using the AWS CLI

You can use the CancelExportJob operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to cancel your export job. You can call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following examples.

  • Cancel your export job:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 cancel-export-job --job-id=<JobId>
    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 cancel-export-job --cli-input-json file://cancel-export-job-input.json
  • The input file looks similar to this:

    { "JobId": "e2220d6b-dce5-45f2-bf60-3287a465b732" }

    More information about parameter values for the CancelExportJob operation can be found in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

Seeing a message’s full event history and ISP responses using the AWS CLI

The following example shows you how to see details of a message’s full event history and any responses or diagnostic codes returned by the mailbox provider using the AWS CLI. This is the same data used in the Message info sidebar after selecting a message’s radio button in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard's Messages table.

To see a message's event history and ISP responses using the AWS CLI

You can use the GetMessageInsights operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to see details of a sent message. You can call this operation from the AWS CLI as shown in the following example.

  • See message details about a sent email identified by its message-id:

    aws --region us-east-1 sesv2 get-message-insights --message-id 01000100001000dd-2a19190d-99d4-0000-9f00-deb5bbf2bfbe-000001

    More information about parameter values for the GetMessageInsights operation can be found in the Amazon SES API v2 reference.

How Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard metrics are calculated

All of the rate cards and drill-down tables displayed in the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard calculate metrics for the date range entered in the Full account overview panel.

The metric rate percentages displayed in the dashboard are calculated as described in the table. The last four columns represent qualifiers to the basic math that's used to derive the displayed metrics. For example, your Open rate is calculated as the open total divided by the delivered total for HTML messages that are delivered with engagement tracking turned on. They don't reflect any of the messages that you sent without engagement tracking and are not HTML encoded.

Rate % How it's calculated With engagement tracking enabled & HTML And with at least 1 tracked link Delivered to ISPs with an SES FBL Excluded if on your account-level suppression list
Open rate open total / delivered total
Click rate click total / delivered total
Complaint rate complaint total / delivered total
Delivery rate delivered total / sent total
Transient bounce rate transient bounce total / sent total
Permanent bounce rate permanent bounce total / sent total
Total send volume Rate % not displayed (everything you’ve sent; always 100%)

How the difference rate and volume totals are calculated for all metrics:

  • Difference % – Difference in metric total as compared to previous metric total for the given date range. For example, if Last 7 days is the specified date range, Metric rate of last 7 days - Metric rate of previous 7 days.

    • The difference % for Total send volume is calculated differently. For example, (Send volume of last 7 days - Send volume of previous 7 days) / Send volume of previous 7 days.

  • Volume – Total count of each metric.

  • The Delivered column in the drill-down tables displays the straight delivered volume without the delivered qualifiers used for calculating open, click, and complaint rates.

  • Virtual Deliverability Manager only tracks metrics from emails that have one recipient—emails with multiple recipients are not counted in any of the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard metrics.

    • In these cases, your Virtual Deliverability Manager metric counts will be lower than your Amazon CloudWatch metric counts because CloudWatch metrics include emails with multiple recipients.

  • Emails sent to the SES mailbox simulator are not counted in any of the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard metrics.

  • Emails sent through a delegate sender's account (formerly cross-account sending) are not counted in any of the Virtual Deliverability Manager dashboard metrics.


Apple Mail's Privacy Protection and its impact to engagement rates: As a result of Apple implementing their Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature for Apple devices as of iOS15, engagement numbers have become inflated as MPP triggers opens as the Apple Mail app is initiated, not necessarily when a recipient opens and/or clicks a message. This causes engagement data to look much higher than it typically would be and this is something email marketers will have to take into account when reviewing engagement. There are several other ways of identifying engagement, such as web activity, app/portal usage and also using proxy data from non-Apple devices to build an aggregate metric. The important thing to focus on is the trends of engagement as that can indicate if there's a problem with your email sending. For more information, see Apple Mail's Privacy Protection.