ListSigningJobs - AWS Signer


Lists all your signing jobs. You can use the maxResults parameter to limit the number of signing jobs that are returned in the response. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.

Request Syntax

GET /signing-jobs?isRevoked=isRevoked&jobInvoker=jobInvoker&maxResults=maxResults&nextToken=nextToken&platformId=platformId&requestedBy=requestedBy&signatureExpiresAfter=signatureExpiresAfter&signatureExpiresBefore=signatureExpiresBefore&status=status HTTP/1.1

URI Request Parameters

The request uses the following URI parameters.


Filters results to return only signing jobs with revoked signatures.


Filters results to return only signing jobs initiated by a specified IAM entity.

Length Constraints: Fixed length of 12.

Pattern: ^[0-9]{12}$


Specifies the maximum number of items to return in the response. Use this parameter when paginating results. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the nextToken element is set in the response. Use the nextToken value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items.

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 25.


String for specifying the next set of paginated results to return. After you receive a response with truncated results, use this parameter in a subsequent request. Set it to the value of nextToken from the response that you just received.


The ID of microcontroller platform that you specified for the distribution of your code image.


The IAM principal that requested the signing job.


Filters results to return only signing jobs with signatures expiring after a specified timestamp.


Filters results to return only signing jobs with signatures expiring before a specified timestamp.


A status value with which to filter your results.

Valid Values: InProgress | Failed | Succeeded

Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "jobs": [ { "createdAt": number, "isRevoked": boolean, "jobId": "string", "jobInvoker": "string", "jobOwner": "string", "platformDisplayName": "string", "platformId": "string", "profileName": "string", "profileVersion": "string", "signatureExpiresAt": number, "signedObject": { "s3": { "bucketName": "string", "key": "string" } }, "signingMaterial": { "certificateArn": "string" }, "source": { "s3": { "bucketName": "string", "key": "string", "version": "string" } }, "status": "string" } ], "nextToken": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


A list of your signing jobs.

Type: Array of SigningJob objects


String for specifying the next set of paginated results.

Type: String


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

HTTP Status Code: 403


An internal error occurred.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The allowed number of job-signing requests has been exceeded.

This error supersedes the error ThrottlingException.

HTTP Status Code: 429


You signing certificate could not be validated.

HTTP Status Code: 400



This example illustrates one usage of ListSigningJobs.

Sample Request

GET /Prod/signing-jobs?status=InProgress&platform=TexasInstruments&maxResults=10 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: identity Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=access_key/20171115/us-east-1/signer/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date, Signature=59e5f7ac6c2193c1eb163b0a8f3b2b3ec47fc5687631aa4d42bdcfacc14d626a X-Amz-Date: 20171115T173358Z User-Agent: aws-cli/1.11.132 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.5.95

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 1896 Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 17:34:06 GMT x-amzn-RequestId: 2e5eaaf7-ca2b-11e7-bfa0-e7cd77b24597 X-Amzn-Trace-Id: sampled=0;root=1-5a0c7a8e-66a88aa1083a4631ce1a9e45 X-Cache: Miss from cloudfront Via: 1.1 (CloudFront) X-Amz-Cf-Id: BtaBXTGIVWfSRurtkK7aMOcg39oiA1Uz3UCoPPQm5LWu5bt72gV_cA== Connection: Keep-alive { "jobs": [{ "jobId": "ade0f15c-5857-4fcd-b731-43530bbd2d7d", "source": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-source", "key": "", "version": null } }, "signedObject": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-dest", "key": "signed_images/ade0f15c-5857-4fcd-b731-43530bbd2d7d" } }, "signingMaterial": { "certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/7a0ed941-64dd-419b-8b59-24378756fee3" }, "createdAt": 1508345543, "status": "Succeeded" }, { "jobId": "9052caa6-1d8d-43b5-9ead-0cb8621c8c74", "source": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-source", "key": "", "version": "W.OIrIFmjIFeuNXOaBJzPee66.wRg4GR" } }, "signedObject": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-dest", "key": "9052caa6-1d8d-43b5-9ead-0cb8621c8c74" } }, "signingMaterial": { "certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/9ec626ca-0bbb-4be5-83a2-ee563f8386ca" }, "createdAt": 1510695622, "status": "Succeeded" }, { "jobId": "cc9067a9-9258-489a-abae-1c3408191071", "source": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-source", "key": "", "version": "W.OIrIFmjIFeuNXOaBJzPee66.wRg4GR" } }, "signedObject": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-dest", "key": "cc9067a9-9258-489a-abae-1c3408191071" } }, "signingMaterial": { "certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/9ec626ca-0bbb-4be5-83a2-ee563f8386ca" }, "createdAt": 1510698374, "status": "Succeeded" }, { "jobId": "ba506303-848d-4fb7-a07f-e8049eb5faa6", "source": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-source", "key": "", "version": "W.OIrIFmjIFeuNXOaBJzPee66.wRg4GR" } }, "signedObject": { "s3": { "bucketName": "signer-test-dest", "key": "ba506303-848d-4fb7-a07f-e8049eb5faa6" } }, "signingMaterial": { "certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/9ec626ca-0bbb-4be5-83a2-ee563f8386ca" }, "createdAt": 1510760837, "status": "Succeeded" }], "nextToken": null }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: