Sign out of AWS - AWS Sign-In

Sign out of AWS

How you sign out of your AWS account depends on what type of AWS user you are. You can be an account root user, an IAM user, a user in IAM Identity Center, a federated identity, or an AWS Builder ID user. If you're not sure what kind of user you are, see Determine your user type.

Sign out of the AWS Management Console

To sign out of the AWS Management Console
  1. After you're signed in to the AWS Management Console, you arrive at a page similar to the one shown in the following image. Your account name or IAM user name is shown in the upper right corner.

    User signed in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. In the navigation bar on the upper right, choose your user name.

    Signed in user's account name is highlighted in the AWS Management Console.
  3. Select Sign out as shown in the following image.

    Drop down menu highlighting the sign out button for a user signed in to to the AWS Management Console.
  4. You are returned to the AWS Management Console webpage.

Sign out of the AWS access portal

To sign out of the AWS access portal
  1. Choose Sign out in the upper right corner of the access portal.

    User signed in to the AWS access portal.
  2. If you successfully sign out, you now see the AWS access portal sign in page.

Sign out of AWS Builder ID

To sign out of an AWS service that you've accessed using your AWS Builder ID, you must sign out of the service. If you want to sign out of your AWS Builder ID profile, see the following procedure.

To sign out of your AWS Builder ID profile
  1. After you have signed in to your AWS Builder ID profile at, you arrive at My details.

  2. In the top right of your AWS Builder ID profile page, choose Sign out.

    AWS Builder ID profile page that highlights Sign out in top right corner.
  3. You're signed out when you no longer see your AWS Builder ID profile.