Configuring spatial domains - AWS SimSpace Weaver

Configuring spatial domains

For spatial domains, you must specify a partitioning_strategy. The value of this property is the name that you gave to a partitioning strategy that you defined in another part of the schema.

MySpatialDomain: launch_apps_by_partitioning_strategy: partitioning_strategy: "MyGridPartitioning" grid_partition: x: 2 y: 2 app_config: package: "s3://weaver-myproject-111122223333-us-west-2/" launch_command: ["MySpatialApp"] required_resource_units: compute: 1

SimSpace Weaver app SDK version 1.12.x projects use separate buckets for the app .zip files and the schema:

  • weaver-lowercase-project-name-account-number-app-zips-region

  • weaver-lowercase-project-name-account-number-schemas-region

A partitioning strategy with a Grid topology (the only topology supported in this release) directs SimSpace Weaver to arrange spatial app partitions of this domain in a grid. The grid_partition property specifies the number rows and columns of the partition grid.

SimSpace Weaver will start 1 instance of the spatial app for each cell in the partition grid. For example, if a spatial domain has grid_partition values x: 2 and y: 2, there are 2 * 2 = 4 partitions in the spatial domain. SimSpace Weaver will start 4 instances of the app configured in the spatial domain and assign 1 partition to each app instance.

Resource requirements for spatial domains

You can assign up to 17 compute resource units for each worker. You specify the number of compute resource units that each spatial app uses in the app_config section of your spatial domain.

Example schema snippet showing the compute resource units for a spatial app
MySpatialDomain: launch_apps_by_partitioning_strategy: partitioning_strategy: "MyGridPartitioning" grid_partition: x: 2 y: 2 app_config: package: "s3://weaver-myproject-111122223333-artifacts-us-west-2/" launch_command: ["MySpatialApp"] required_resource_units: compute: 1

To calculate the number of compute resource units that a domain requires, multiply the number of cells in your grid (in your grid_partition, x * y) by the number of compute resource units assigned to the spatial apps.

For the previous example, the domain MySpatialDomain specifies:

  • x: 2

  • y: 2

  • compute: 1

The grid for MySpatialDomain has 2 * 2 = 4 cells. The spatial domain requires 4 * 1 = 4 compute resource units.

The total number of compute resource units for all domains specified in your schema must be less than or equal to the desired number of workers multiplied by the maximum number of compute resource units for each worker (17).

Multiple spatial domains

You can configure your simulation to use more than 1 spatial domain. For example, you can use 1 spatial domain to control the main actors in a simulation (such as people and cars) and a different spatial domain to control the environment.

You can also use multiple spatial domains to assign different resources to different parts of your simulation. For example, if your simulation has a type of entity that has 10x more entity instances than another type, you can create different domains to handle each entity type and allocate more resources for the domain with more entities.


SimSpace Weaver versions before 1.14.0 don't support multiple spatial domains.


AWS SimSpace Weaver Local doesn't currently support multiple spatial domains. For more information about SimSpace Weaver Local, see Local development in SimSpace Weaver.


SimSpace Weaver supports up to 5 domains for each simulation. This includes all spatial, custom, and service domains.

Configure multiple spatial domains

To configure more than 1 spatial domain, add the other spatial domain definitions as separate named sections in your schema. Each domain must specify the launch_apps_by_partitioning_strategy key. See the following example schema.

sdk_version: "1.14" workers: MyComputeWorkers: type: "sim.c5.24xlarge" desired: 1 clock: tick_rate: "30" partitioning_strategies: MyGridPartitioning: topology: Grid aabb_bounds: x: [0, 1000] y: [0, 1000] domains: MySpatialDomain: launch_apps_by_partitioning_strategy: partitioning_strategy: "MyGridPartitioning" grid_partition: x: 2 y: 2 app_config: package: "s3://weaver-myproject-111122223333-artifacts-us-west-2/" launch_command: ["MySpatialApp"] required_resource_units: compute: 1 MySecondSpatialDomain: launch_apps_by_partitioning_strategy: partitioning_strategy: "MyGridPartitioning" grid_partition: x: 2 y: 2 app_config: package: "s3://weaver-myproject-111122223333-artifacts-us-west-2/" launch_command: ["MySpatialApp2"] required_resource_units: compute: 1

Placing spatial domains together

In some scenarios, you might want to place partitions for a spatial domain on workers next to partitions from another domain. This can improve performance characteristics if those partitions create cross-domain subscriptions to each other.

Add the top level key placement_constraints to your schema to specify which domains SimSpace Weaver should place together. The required on_workers key must refer to a named workers configuration in the schema.

Example schema snippet showing spatial domains placed together
workers: MyComputeWorkers: type: "sim.c5.24xlarge" desired: 2 placement_constraints: - placed_together: ["MySpatialDomain", "MySecondSpatialDomain"] on_workers: ["MyComputeWorkers"]
  • If you use placement groups:

    • Make sure that x * y is a multiple of the number of workers.

    • Make sure that the placement group values are common divisors for the grid dimensions of the domains you place together.

  • If you don't use placement groups:

    • Make sure that 1 axis of your spatial domain grids has a common divisor that is equal to the number of workers.

For more information about placement groups, see Partitioning strategies.

Frequently asked questions about spatial domains

Q1. How can I add another spatial domain to an existing simulation?

  • For a running simulation – You can't change the configuration for a running simulation. Change the domain configuration in the schema, upload the schema and app zips, and start a new simulation.

  • For a new simulation – Add the domain configuration to the schema, upload the schema and app zips, and start the new simulation.

Troubleshooting spatial domains

The might get the following error when you try to start your simulation but your domain configuration is invalid.

"StartError": "[{\"errorType\":\"SchemaFormatInvalid\",\"errorMessage\":
    \"We were unable to determine an arrangement of your domains that would fit 
    within the provided set of workers. This can generally be resolved by 
    increasing the number of workers if able, decreasing your domains\u0027 
    [\u0027\u0027grid_partition\u0027\u0027] values, or adjusting the 
    dimensions of your [\u0027\u0027grid_placement_groups\u0027\u0027].\"}]"
Potential causes
  • The schema allocates more compute resource units for apps than are available on workers.

  • SimSpace Weaver can't determine an arrangement to place domains together on workers. This happens when you specify multiple spatial domains but there isn't a common divisor or multiple between domain grids, such as between a 2x4 grid and a 3x5 grid).