Use the AWS CLI to work with snapshots - AWS SimSpace Weaver

Use the AWS CLI to work with snapshots

You can use the AWS CLI to call the SimSpace Weaver APIs from a command prompt. You must have the AWS CLI installed and configured properly. For more information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide for Version 2.

Use the AWS CLI to create a snapshot

To create a snapshot
  • At a command prompt, call the CreateSnapshot API.

    aws simspaceweaver create-snapshot --simulation simulation-name —destination s3-destination



    The name of a started simulation. You can use aws simspaceweaver list-simulations to see the names and statuses of your simulations.


    A string that specifies the destination Amazon S3 bucket and optional object key prefix for your snapshot file. Your object key prefix is usually a folder in your bucket. SimSpace Weaver creates your snapshot inside a snapshot folder at this destination.


    The Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same AWS Region as the simulation.


    aws simspaceweaver create-snapshot —simulation MyProjectSimulation_23-04-29_12_00_00 —destination BucketName=weaver-myproject-111122223333-artifacts-us-west-2,ObjectKeyPrefix=myFolder

For more information about the CreateSnapshot API, see CreateSnapshot in the AWS SimSpace Weaver API Reference.

Use the AWS CLI to start a simulation from a snapshot

To start a simulation from a snapshot
  • At a command prompt, call the StartSimulation API.

    aws simspaceweaver start-simulation --name simulation-name --role-arn role-arn --snapshot-s3-location s3-location



    The name of the new simulation. The simulation name must be unique in your AWS account. You can use aws simspaceweaver list-simulations to see the names of your existing simulations.


    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the app role that your simulation will use.


    A string that specifies the Amazon S3 bucket and object key of your snapshot file.


    The Amazon S3 bucket must be in the same AWS Region as the simulation.


    aws simspaceweaver start-simulation —name MySimulation —role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/weaver-MyProject-app-role —snapshot-s3-location BucketName=weaver-myproject-111122223333-artifacts-us-west-2,ObjectKey=myFolder/snapshot/

For more information about the StartSimulation API, see StartSimulation in the AWS SimSpace Weaver API Reference.