Configuring Service Catalog Portfolios in Jira - AWS Service Management Connector

Configuring Service Catalog Portfolios in Jira

This section describes how to configure AWS Service Catalog portfolios within Jira.

AWS product access

Once your account or accounts are set up and connectivity is successful, use the AWS Account page to manage, for each account, which groups can access each portfolio in each Region. You can expand and collapse each Region and edit and add groups for each portfolio. Only internal customers and Jira agents in the designated groups have access to those products. By default, no groups have access.


At least one group must be associated to a Service Catalog portfolio for Jira Service Management internal customers and Jira agents to request AWS products.

To provision products and portfolios
  1. Choose AWS Accounts.

  2. Choose Manage for the AWS account in which you want to configure portfolios.

  3. Under Portfolios, expand the Region associated with the account. Portfolios display under each Region.

  4. In the Permission to request column, choose Add groups for the portfolios that you want to make visible in Jira Service Management. Select the group you want to see and request Service Catalog products.


    Because the AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management allows Jira internal customers and Jira agents to provision AWS products in the portfolios their groups have access to, and to control those provisioned products, internal customers and Jira agents should maintain security in their Jira accounts.

  5. If products in this portfolio do not require approvals, choose Save.

Configuring Jira Service Management approvals for products in Service Catalog Portfolios

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management enables administrators to configure approvals for products at the portfolio level. All products in a portfolio that contain approval permissions require approval, so AWS and Jira administrators might need to collaborate on the Service Catalog portfolio structure.

To configure the approval process
  1. Choose AWS Accounts.

  2. Choose Manage on the AWS account for which you want to configure portfolio approvals.

  3. In the Permission to approve column, choose Add groups for the portfolios that require product approvals.

  4. Select Require approval for provisioning.

  5. Under Permission to approve, choose Add group.

  6. Choose Save.


If a portfolio only has a group associated with Permissions to request, products in the portfolio immediately provision when you submit the product request.

Viewing products and budgets

The Available Products tab lists the products in the portfolio and budgetary information on each. The Budgets tab gives overall budgetary information on the portfolio.


Find details about additional configurations for the AWS Service Catalog request form and Automated Tags in the next section Configuring Connector Settings.

Configuring Connector Settings (Jira Project Enablement and Request Type)

In addition to configuring AWS accounts, the AWS Service Management Connector contains AWS services and UI settings for enabling and associating Jira projects and configuring integration behavior.


There is no project-account association for AWS Service Catalog. Project-account visibility is determined by the permissions groups that are granted permission to provision.

Connector Features Enabled by Default

To configure the default Connector features for specific AWS services

For a new installation of Connector, Service Management Connector enables the default project configuration for all Connector features (AWS Service Catalog, AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, and AWS Security Hub). If you are upgrading an existing installation, Service Management Connector does not initially enable new features.

  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management, select Connector settings.

  2. At the top, under Connector features enabled by default, select each feature depending whether you want projects using the default configuration to be able to use them or not.

  3. Choose Save.

UI Settings (AWS Service Catalog)

Configure the AWS Service Catalog product widget components to make them viewable to internal customers and Jira agents.

To address the varying personas of internal customers and Jira agents requesting AWS products, the Connector for Jira Service Management includes an add-on app setting to enable or disable components of the AWS product widget. By default, we enable AWS product components.

To modify the AWS product view
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. In the UI settings (Service Catalog) section, deselect any AWS product component such as:

    1. Allow the product name to be edited. (If unchecked, we provide an autogenerated name the user cannot edit.)

    2. Allows internal customers and Jira agents to select a launch option. (If unchecked, we select the default launch option and hide it.)

    3. Allows internal customers and Jira agents to select a product version. (If unchecked, we select the default product version and hide it.)

    4. Allows internal customers and Jira agents to add or edit tags. (If unchecked, we select the default values for tag options and hide it.)

    5. Allows internal customers and Jira agents to create a plan for creation or update of a provisioned product. (If unchecked, we hide the plans section.)

  4. Choose Save.

Configuring AWS TagOptions for Provisioned Products

The AWS Service Management Connector enables Jira administrators to add tags (metadata) to provisioned products globally across the connector application, or granularly at the portfolio level. These tags are not visible to internal customers and Jira agents.

Two tag types are available

  • Generic tags where the administrator can enter the Key and Value.

  • Jira issues metadata tags where the administrator can enter the syntax for the Key and Value in the table below.


Generic tags from administrators are not visible to internal customers or Jira agents during provisioning, but are available in the provisioned product in Service Catalog.

Key Value
Requester name ${OPENED_BY}
Requester user name ${USERNAME}
Issue ID ${ISSUE_ID}
Project name ${PROJECT_NAME}
Project code ${PROJECT_CODE}
To add TagOptions to Service Catalog integration in Jira Service Management
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Automated Tags.

  3. Enter the Key and Value fields.

  4. Select a portfolio option.

    1. Glocal if the tag should be available in all synced portfolios, or

    2. Portfolio to restrict tags to only the specified portfolio.

  5. Choose Add.

Projects Enabled for the Connector

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management must be associated with one or more Jira projects and Jira Service Management request types. You can configure which features are enabled for each Jira project.

Configure Jira projects for AWS Service Catalog,AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, AWS Security Hub, Support, AWS Systems Manager Automation, AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter and AWS Health

To configure the Jira projects for AWS Service Catalog, AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager, AWS Security Hub, Support, and AWS Systems Manager Automation
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. Under Projects enabled for Connector, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing one. Only Jira internal customers and Jira agents with access to the associated project can access the Connector. When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue types and other Jira items for AWS Service Catalog products to be available in those projects. You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  4. Projects initially take the default configuration for which Connector features are enabled. Choose Edit in a project row to change the configuration for individual projects. We permit projects to use more features than the default.

  5. Choose Save.


    For internal customers and Jira agents to be able to request AWS Service Catalog products, one or more projects must be enabled. Internal customers and Jira agents must have Jira permissions to create issues in the Jira project and Permission to Request in the Jira settings for the AWS Account for at least one portfolio with products.

AWS Security Hub configuration
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. Under Security Hub configuration, choose CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, or INFORMATIONAL to configure the findings synched to Jira Service Management.

    SQS queue name is the queue from which Security Hub findings are synched. The default value is AwsSmcJsmCloudForgeSecurityHubQueue. The configured queue is available in all AWS accounts and regions and where you have configured the integration.

  4. (optional) Enable Recreate Jira Issues to indicate if Jira Issues will be created for updated findings where the original Jira Issue deleted.

  5. Assign onboarded AWS accounts to Jira projects.

  6. Choose Save.

AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager configuration
  1. Configure incident resolution behavior between AWS and Jira Service Management. The default value is Bidirectional.

  2. Assign onboarded AWS accounts to Jira projects.

  3. Choose Save.

Support configuraiton
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. In the Support configuration pane, choose SQS gueue name from where you want to sync the Support case. The default value is AwsSmcJsmCloudForgeSupportQueue. The queue must be available in us-east-1 for commercial and us-gov-west-1 for GovCloud accounts.

  4. Assign onboarded AWS accounts to Jira projects.

  5. Choose Save.

AWS Systems Manager Automation configuraiton
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. In the AWS Systems Manager Automation configuration pane, select the Jira groups that can request automation execution.

  4. Choose Save.

AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter configuration
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. Under Systems Manager OpsCenter configuration, assign onboarded AWS accounts to Jira projects.

  4. Choose Save.

AWS Health configuration
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, and then choose Apps.

  2. Choose AWS Service Management Connector, and then navigate to Connector settings.

  3. Under AWS Health configuration, provide the SQS queue name from where you want to sync health events. The default name is AwsSmcJsmCloudForgeHealthQueue.

  4. Choose default severity levels for Jira issues for health event types (Issue, Account Notification, Scheduled Change).

  5. Assign onboarded AWS accounts to Jira projects.

  6. Choose Save.